Do Cellulite Massagers Work?

Many people think that cellulite is commonly found in women who are obese. But this is not true. Cellulite is present in most of the women irrespective of their age and weight. Though cellulite is present in men too, it is a common problem found among women. Areas like thighs, butt and hips tend to accumulate more fat and hence become potential cellulite areas. This spoils the shape of a woman and hence, cellulite is an annoying problem for many women.

Understanding cellulite is the first step to cellulite reduction. Cellulite is formed not because of fat alone. Toxins and other fluids combine with fat and form layers under the skin. The surrounding muscles will be tight while cellulite is loose. This causes dimple skin which is commonly called as orange peel skin. Hence, cellulite areas become loose giving an unhealthy look. To reduce cellulite, the toxins and fat have to be removed from those areas.

Losing body fat is entirely different from cellulite reduction. Since thin women also have cellulite, weight loss exercises will not work for reducing cellulite. Cellulite is related to skin and hence, massagers can greatly help you assist anti-cellulite treatment. You can do this massage either in a parlor or at home. When you go for spa treatment, you will be provided with specially designed underwear made of mesh fabric. This induces blood circulation aiding the massager. The cellulite massagers in parlors are designed with rolling cylinders to massage cellulite areas. This massage breaks up fat deposits resulting in reduced dimple skin appearance.

Cellulite massagers can be done at home too. You need to purchase appropriate massager kit for taking anti-cellulite treatment at home. The kit will contain a base, roller, brushes etc for massaging your skin. This process may take around 45 minutes and you should be patient and relaxed while you use massager. Many massaging lotions are available that aid the movement of rollers. This will result in increased blood circulation and fat reduction. The blood flow will carry away the toxins and tone your skin thereby reducing orange peel appearance. The essential organs will also be rejuvenated as a result of detoxification and massage therapy.

Many women have found cellulite massagers helpful for reducing cellulite. Since this massages the entire body, you will feel much relaxed when you use aroma oils during the massage. Proper dieting and exercises along with massagers will provide better results if you want to naturally get rid of cellulite.