Uncover The Secret Behind An Effective Anti Wrinkle Face Lotion

It’s unbelievable how difficult it can be to find a really good anti wrinkle face lotion that actually works. With so many new products being launched left and right, the good ones just get drowned in the sea of the ineffective ones.

Why is it so hard to find a good anti wrinkle face lotion?

A couple of reasons –

One – Most companies spend exorbitant amounts of money on promoting their creams heavily. This just doesn’t leave enough money to spend on research and development which is necessary for producing a high quality product.

Two – Again, in their bid to save money, these companies use ineffective ingredients in their creams which do not have much effect on the skin.

For example, most common anti aging creams include Collagen as an ingredient in them. It’s a known fact now that Collagen and Elastin are the two proteins essential for having a firm and elastic skin. A drop in the body’s production ability of these proteins is what causes our skin to become loose and wrinkled.

So, although it may look like the right thing to do, having Collagen in your cream is not going to be of much use. The molecules of this protein are too big to be able to pass through the skin. Most of it is left outside the skin when the cream is applied and so the wrinkles are not affected by it.

A much better option is to look for natural substances in your anti wrinkle face lotion which can increase the production of these proteins in your body.

TakeCynergy TK™for example. This extract from the wool of New Zealand sheep has been proven to enhance the Collagen and Elastin production in the body. This helps in tightening the skin and reducing the lines and wrinkles in it.

Cynergy TK™ also contains Functional Keratin™ inside. Keratin is a building block of our skin and plays an important role in maintaining its health and beauty.

Active Manuka Honeyis a special honey that not only moisturizes the skin deeply, but also stimulates the body’s Collagen and Elastin production mechanism. Its anti bacterial and anti oxidant properties help in keeping the skin safe from bacteria and free radicals found in environmental pollution.

Vitamin Eis a powerful anti oxidant that prevents the free radicals from damaging the Collagen fibers in the skin. It is a very effective anti aging ingredient.

Using an anti wrinkle face lotion with these effective ingredients is the easiest way to make your skin youthful and fresh again. To find an effective lotion containing these natural substances, visit my website now.