Keep the Weight Off - Avoid This Vicious Weight Gaining Cycle

There are so many diet and exercise plans out there today that a person can really get confused! I know when I started my weight loss journey, I spent a lot of time looking and reading and I would always end up back at square one! The first step to successful weight loss is to take action. If you do not get your butt in gear, you will not lose weight. Once you take that first step do not turn back and avoid this vicious weight gain cycle.

For most people it goes something like this.

  • Start new diet ( Diet sounds good enough!)
  • Results do not show up quick enough ( Doubts begin )
  • Remove favorite foods ( Desperation sets in )
  • Temporary weight loss begins ( Making headway! )
  • Feel good about yourself ( Feeling good about losing weight can often lead to bad eating habits. Be careful )
  • Return to old eating habits ( This is where the mistake begins )
  • Weight loss stops
  • Get frustrated and throw in the towel

This is a very common scenario and it happens all too often, so how do you break this cycle. You have to eliminate some of those steps and add one more. Do not return to your old eating habits. That is just taking a step or two backwards. You must be persistent and continue on your road towards success! Once you start to see some results then persistence will start to pay off! Rome was not built in a day and losing a lot of weight quickly can be unhealthy and dangerous!