10 Reasons the Instead Softcup Can Change Your Life

Instead Softcup is a revolutionary product that gives women the freedom they need during their monthly cycles. Instead Softcup provides ultimate protection minus many of the troubles of pads and tampons. It can change your life in so many ways. The following are the top 10 reasons why you should use Instead Softcup as your choice in feminine protection:

1. Better freedom

How well do your wings or strings perform during your period? Instead Softcup solves many of the problems associated with pads and tampons. Softcup provides you with an alternative choice when it comes to feminine hygiene.

2. Superior protection

If you have to change anywhere from twice to four times a day to keep yourself from stains and accidents with your old product, Instead Softcup offers a better level of security and peace of mind. This means fewer trips to the bathroom and more time for yourself and work!

3. Superior care

Tampons have been the subject of controversy ever since they’ve been linked to toxic shock syndrome (TSS). You’re better off with the Instead Softcup because it is believed to have little risk of TSS. In laboratory testing, the Softcup did not promote the growth of the bacteria that cause TSS.

4. Hypoallergenic

Instead Softcup understands a woman’s needs. The product is made with only hypoallergenic, non-irritating materials and is latex free, so you need not worry about discomfort.

5. Swimsuit friendly

How many times have you skipped a beach party just because you have your period? With Instead Softcup, you never have to miss the fun at the beach, pool, or hot tub or worry about strings or wings ever again.

6. Safe and dry

When it comes to feminine hygiene and periods, feeling clean and dry is very important. In fact, this is on the top of most women’s lists when choosing a feminine hygiene product. Instead Softcup is not only safe and functional, it keeps you clean and leak-free for longer than a tampon.

7. Odor-free

Staying clean and odor-free is very important during periods. This can easily be achieved with the Instead Softcup. The product’s revolutionary way of keeping you protected helps prevent odor too.

8. Perfect for athletes

Female athletes require superior feminine protection. Instead Softcup is ideal during extraneous physical activity, even on heavy flow days. Now, athletes are finally free to go about their games without worrying about changing their protection frequently.

9. Supports an active lifestyle

Instead Softcup is especially beneficial for active women who are constantly on the go. The Softcup’s longer wear time allows you to go about your daily life without having your period interfere. The Softcup is affordable, functional, and perfect for every woman regardless of age, race, or nationality.

10. Cleaner sex during periods

Impossible, you might say. It’s possible with the Instead Softcup! Instead Softcup allows you to make love with your partner even if it’s that time of the month. Softcup works so well that your partner won’t even know it’s there!

To achieve all of these benefits and more, visit and learn more about feminine freedom today!