Combatting Saddlebags

I have been a personal trainer for three years now and the most common area woman want to tone or fix is the butt and hamstring area. It does not matter age, fitness level, ethnicity, or body type, I always hear clients asking how they can decrease cellulite and lift the bottom. A common terminology for this type of the body is known as the saddlebag. I have created a saddlebag busting workout to really tone the gluteus maximus as well as the hamstrings.  Why is this a problem area for women? And how can one maximize results? To answer these common questions it is important to understand that region of the body. The gluteus maximus is the largest muscle in the body while the hamstrings also a large muscle group are often underdeveloped because the quadriceps are overdeveloped. If the quadriceps are super strong and the hamstrings whenever you are performing an exercise that works both muscle groups the quads will work harder to help the hamstrings and the hamstrings will lose benefit of the exercise.

One of the greatest misconceptions is that small isolating movements such as being on hands and knees and doing leg lifts will spot reduce or tone the muscles. Because the muscle groups are so large in order to see any results will require using heavy challenging weights. Most clients look at me like I have four heads when I tell them this. They emphasize they do not want to bulk up. I always counter and ask them if they have ever seen a woman with a muscular behind that was too bulky or hamstrings that were too defined. Muscle development must happen to reduce the appearance of cellulite as well as to produce muscle definition. I have compiled four exercises to incorporate into your workout today if this is a trouble place for you. I will not list weights or reps because there is no one size fits all work-out routine. If you are a beginner I recommend starting with 10lbs. If you can finish your sets easily it is time to up that weight. If you have been doing the exercises and are not seeing results by 4 weeks then you should REALLY be upping that weight.

  1. 1.)    CURTSY SQUAT

Beginner weight for this exercise is ten pounds. Start with feet shoulder width apart, squat down on the up movement lift right leg off the ground and circle behind the left performing a curtsy. Repeat on left leg.

  1. 2.)    COMBO LUNGE

The combo lunge is my favorite. Beginning weight 10 pounds. Perform a lunge with the right leg. Lift the back (left) leg forward and step out to the side performing a squat. Repeat on other side. This exercise can be done walking or stationary.


I reccomend using at least ten pounds as a starting weight. Standing on one leg with weights at hips tilt forward causing the leg to go backwards and the upper body slowly lower forwards with a flat back. Return to standing and repeat all reps before switching legs.


Using a large stability ball lay on your back with heels on stability ball. squeezing glutes lift lower back and butt off the ground. Pull heels toward bottom causing hamstrings to contract. This is a body weight exercise and does not require additional weight.

For a comprehensive full body workout with guaranteed results check out the Art of Weightlifting today. You will have acces to videos of how to perform these exercises correctly and how incorporate them into your fitness routine! Banish those saddlebags TODAY!