The Athena Pelvic Muscle Trainer-guaranteed to Strengthen Your Pelvic Floor

The Athena Pelvic Muscle Trainer is one of many new devices on the market to help restore the health of women's pelvic floors. A weakened pelvic floor is a very common in women who have had children, or this can happen simply as a natural consequence of aging.

The symptoms of a weakened pelvic floor include urinary or stool incontinence, a decrease in sexual pleasure, poor performance during labour or even a genital prolapse. Over 200 million women worldwide suffer from urinary incontinence, with 3 million in the UK suffering last year alone. One staggering statistic is that around 38% of all menstrual pads are used to treat incontinence.

The Athena Pelvic Muscle Trainer was developed to address these problems in the most efficient way possible. It differs significantly from other similar devices on the market because it is cordless and multifunctional.

In the past, women were advised to do "Kegel" exercises. These are a series of exercises concentrating on contracting and releasing the pelvic floor muscles to strengthen them. In theory, this is fine, as all muscles respond to the correct forms of exercise. The problem with Kegel exercises is that many women find them tedious and time consuming and to see any worthwhile result, they need to be done rigorously and with regularity. However, here lies one of the problems. Most women become disenchanted as they fail to see any results within a few weeks so they give up. In addition, it can be difficult to isolate the correct muscles to contract (if you have ever been advised how to do pelvic floor muscles you will know how difficult this can be!).

The Athena Pelvic Muscle Trainer offers women the opportunity of doing their Kegel exercises correctly in a completely effortless way. It is guaranteed that the correct muscles are stimulated each time the device is used according to the instructions. It is only the same size as a tampon and is completely cordless, thus eliminating the need for messy cords. Most women find that within a couple of weeks they notice a difference in the feeling of their pelvic floor, with many finding that they are able to stop wearing pads and can run and jump without leaking within a few short weeks of use.

This device first came to my attention when it was reviewed by Dr Hilary Jones on GMTV. I tend to listen to much of what he has to say, and his review of it was glowing. Not long after that, Chris Steele mentioned it on one of his This Morning slots and I remembered seeing it on GMTV. I took the plunge and bought one, as after having 3 children, this was an area which I felt I should do something about.

I was very pleased with my purchase. I admit to hesitating as there were cheaper devices on the market but I liked the fact that I could (potentially) sit back and let the Athena Pelvic Muscle Trainer do its work-and that's what I did! I set aside a little time, twice a day. The device has different settings so you can customize your own workouts to suit your own particular circumstances. You can even use the Athena to treat mixed incontinence at the same time by simply switching the settings..

I was delighted with my own results. Like most women who use pelvic toners, I did notice an improvement very quickly and after years of doing Kegels "on and off" I was rather surprised. Within less than 2 months, I was able to jog with my friend without wearing a dreaded pad. I consider myself to be cured now. However, I do use Trainer now and again just to ensure optimum pelvic health. I figured that I exercise the rest of my body in a vain attempt to keep it in condition (remember, I have 3 kids!) so I also exercise my pelvic floor. You can get this device from one of the top online UK retailers of pelvic muscle exercisers. Please visit Athena Pelvic Muscle Trainer