How to Dissolve Fibroids Naturally

If you would like to know how to dissolve fibroids naturally, there are various techniques you can use at home which can really help. No drug treatment or surgery is involved and therefore you cannot get a prescription-indeed you need to be motivated to carry this through for yourself.

Fibroids are not caused by one single factor, but rather by a combination of various issues which subtly interact within the body. Conventional treatments, such as surgery and drug treatment will give symptomatic relief but as they do not address the primary and secondary root causes, they are not a permanent solution and inevitably, fibroids will regrow once treatment is halted.

To dissolve fibroids naturally, a multifaceted approach is required which tackles all the different root causes. These are likely to be different in each women, but will include a combination of:-

* High estrogen levels
* Poor diet
* Toxin build up
* Lack of exercise
* Hereditary factors
* Lifestyle issues
* Insulin resistance

The steps required will include eating a healthy diet which excludes all additives, pesticides and processed foods. You will also need to carry out internal cleansing protocols along with liver detoxification and supplementation with herbs. Stress management is also important as this can contribute to the build up of stress hormones which are believed to contribute to fibroid growth.

For those wanting to know how to dissolve fibroids naturally, there are also certain enzymes and herbs which can be particularly helpful-even when used in isolation. However, it is vital to understand that any treatment used on its own will not be a permanent solution.

If you would like further information on my recommended natural treatment for fibroids, please visit my website, Shrink Fibroids Naturally . Written by a nutritionalist, health writer and former fibroids sufferer herself, the system I recommend is groundbreaking, and I am confident that you will finally feel that you have found something that will work for you.

Fibroids Miracle also comes with 3 months free one-to-one counseling from an expert, to give you the best possible chance of success, showing exactly how to dissolve fibroids naturally.