How to Have a Gorgeous Butt for the Summer

Summer is just a few weeks away and you and your family or friends may already be planning where to go for your vacation. And beaches and resorts will surely be on top of your list of places to go and have fun. But if you are dreading to go to the beach or a resort because you have a not-so-flattering butt, then you should be comforted with the idea that you are not alone. Thousands of women all across the country are also having the same problem as you do.

You actually have two choices on how to deal with your big dimply butt problem. You can either buy a swimwear that has skirt to hide your flaws or you can follow the tips below on how you can transform your ho-hum butt to a gorgeous and beautiful rear.

Stay Away From Foods That Are Rich In Sugar And Salt

If you want to look good, you have to make some sacrifices. You have to give up on ice cream, desserts, chocolates, and other sugar-rich foods. These items will make you gain weight.

Moreover, a diet that is rich in salt can lead to water retention. Believe the experts when they say that even your butt area retains water; so you have to minimize your risks of gaining weight due to fluid retention. Anyway, a high salt diet is bad for your health, particularly your kidneys, so it is a good idea to lessen your salt intake, which includes reducing use of salty condiments.

Drink Up

Believe it or not, many women are dehydrated because they feel that water causes bloating and swollenness. In reality, dehydration is one of the reasons why you end up having excess water in your body. Furthermore, water is important in getting rid of toxins that can also be responsible for the formation of dimples or cellulite on your buttocks. It is advisable to drink at least 10 glasses of water or other fluids everyday to prevent dehydration.

One Hour Of Cardiovascular Exercise Each Day

Since summer is getting near, you only have a few weeks to help loose that flab on your behind. Thus, you need to do some cardiovascular exercises everyday. Brisk walking, climbing stairs, jogging, dancing and aerobic exercises can all help improve your cardiovascular health, burn calories, lose some of your weight, and increase your metabolism.

If you have a busy schedule, you can do four 15-minute exercises or two 30-minute routines. You can probably do brisk walking and jogging in the morning before you go to work and the stair climbing or aerobic exercises before you go to sleep. If you have a dog, you can use dog walking as your cardiovascular training. Running or jogging with your pet will help not only your health, but your beloved mutt's health as well.

Tone And Sculpt Your Body Four Times A Week

If you have a couple of months before your bikini days, you can do weight and strength training thrice or twice a week. However, since you may be in a hurry and just have a few weeks to prepare, you have to be diligent in your strength-training exercises for the few remaining weeks.

If you have never tried lifting weights or doing toning and sculpting exercises, it would be best to hire a trainer. This person will help you with your concerns and will guide you on how to properly lift weights and use exercise machines. However, if you do not have money or time to spare, just surf the Internet or buy instructional videos that demonstrate how to tone and sculpt the butt area.

Massage Your Behind With Anti-Cellulite Cream

Another important tip to make your butt area flawless and gorgeous is by regularly massaging it with anti-cellulite lotion like Celrase. Such gels and creams contain ingredients that will help get rid of your cellulite and minimize its appearance. For more information about Celrase, simply visit .