Natural Remedies For Treating Bacterial Vaginosis

Natural remedies for treating bacterial vaginosis can be a fast and economical way to deal with this very unpleasant condition. BV is the most common cause of bad-smelling vaginal discharge. Although sometimes outbreaks can be mild and clear up on their own, recurrent bacterial vaginosis is a sure sign of an underlying cause and unless you deal with what exactly is causing the condition it will come back repeatedly.

Indeed, some of the things we naturally do to help ourselves can ironically make things even worse!

* How often have you washed and washed your vagina to rid yourself of that embarrassing fishy smell?

* How often have you used feminine deodorants to mask the odor?

Lots, probably!

Unfortunately, overwashing and using perfumed products round the vagina are two steps which can strip the delicate vaginal tissues of their natural protective lubricants, thus causing an overgrowth of harmful bacteria.

Within the vagina there are two types of bacteria. One is healthy and protective whereas the other can be harmful and only grows when there is an imbalance. The healthy protective bacteria usually controls the harmful bacteria, keeping it at safe levels. However, when the balance is upset, this bacteria grows out of control and causes the unpleasant symptoms such as a foul smelling fishy discharge and itching and burning of the tissues around the vagina.

Natural remedies for treating bacterial vaginosis work on the principle of boosting the levels of good bacteria, whilst selectively killing off bad bacteria. With this in mind, try the following 3 home treatments:-

1. Live probiotic yogurt contains high levels of beneficial bacteria. Try soaking an tampon in it and inserting into the vagina for an hour or two.

2. Tea tree oil is great for killing harmful bacteria. Either get hold of some tea tree oil pessaries or add 20 drops to a shallow bath and sit in it for 20 minutes.

3. Eating a good healthy diet with plenty of protective foods such as fruits and vegetables, which is low in fat and sugar can help boost the body's immune system. This is a great way of protecting yourself for the future and should not be overlooked.

If you delay treating bacterial vaginosis, this can sometimes lead to pelvic inflammatory disease or infertility which is a big price to pay for something which can be so simple to treat using natural remedies for treating bacterial vaginosis.

There is an excellent, robust strategy which is guaranteed to work and which has helped many thousands of women worldwide be completely free of bacterial vaginosis for good within three days.

If you would like to see further details of how to get rid of BV very quickly, please visit Remedies For Bacterial Vaginosis . Rather than yet another round of antibiotics, give natural remedies for treating bacterial vaginosis a try and put this condition firmly in your past.