Critical issues of teen's abortion

Teenage abortion is a critical issue of today's world. The decision is based on the word "who chooses", parents or their pregnant teenage daughters. The majority of teenagers informed their parents about their pregnancy, some parents also support their daughter's decision about her pregnancy. But there are also a number of teenagers who do not tell their parents about their pregnancy and want to have an abortion. Abortion is the right of women. It depends on the choice of women to have one or abort. The teenage abortion rate is too high in UK. Teenage should know about all information about abortion before going to abortion clinics.

There are different laws in different countries about teenager's abortion. But it involves the permission of parents that their daughter going to have an abortion. There are two procedures of abortion which depends on the length of your pregnancy like; what are your preferences, how long you have been pregnant. The procedure of abortion applied according to these facts. Usually you have more choices to get abortion if you decided it before 13 weeks of abortion.

Two main types of abortion are:

  • Medical abortion
  • Surgical abortion

The Medical abortion is the procedure of non-surgical abortions that use pharmaceutical drugs. It is only effectual in the first trimester of pregnancy. It comprises 10% of all abortions in the United States and Europe.

Surgical abortion is recommended in the first 12 weeks. It can be possible through manual as well as electric vacuum aspiration.

Abortion procedures:

Early medical abortion is recommended up to nine weeks. It includes taking tablets according to the instruction of the doctors. This abortion procedure also called medical abortion or using the abortion pill.

Vacuum aspiration abortion is possible in five to fifteen weeks. In this way a tube being inserted into the vagina and using suction to remove the embryo from the uterus. It is also called the suction abortion procedure.

Dilation and evacuation is effectual in fifteen to nineteen weeks. It involves stretching the cervix open with forceps and using suction to remove the embryo from the uterus. This is also called D&E and be considered the suction abortion procedure.

Abortions are legal in England, Scotland until 24th week of pregnancy but not legal in Northern Ireland. Abortion clinic fees range from approximately $400 to $800.

If the woman is under the age of 16 then she must understand the guidelines of her doctor and all other abortion information. Doctor can refuse abortion procedure if he or she feels that the abortion is wrong in all circumstance. The abortion procedure is safe and secure as well as legal in England, Scotland. But in some case it causes the excessive bleeding, damage womb, post abortion infection that brings the fever, discharge, bleeding or abdominal pain if you choose illegal abortion procedure or does not have good access to right abortion information. Before you decide to have an abortion then you must first seek confidential medical advice from your local clinic, because your professional can tell you better what is better for you.

In many states the law requires that the written approval of parents for their teens abortion. Parents should also provide necessary abortion information to their teenagers so that their teens make better decision. Many psychologists believe that parental notification have long lasting effect on their teens physical and psychological well being, decision making capability, and family relationships.      It is usually refer to women who have not reached legal adulthood. Pregnant teenagers face many of the same issues as women in their 20s and 30s. Although, there are additional medical care for younger mothers like; mother under the age of fifteen or women in developing country.  The age between 15 and 19 in it is not a risk factor, but additional risks may be associated with socioeconomic factors.

In most countries many teenage girls continue with unplanned pregnancies because their families and local community are opposed to abortion like in the Northern Ireland. So, there is lack of abortion information there can lead to have an illegal abortion causing serve health problems and sometimes the death.