The Truth About How to Tone Your Tummy After Becoming a Mommy

There are many reasons that women face belly fat. One that is very common is motherhood. That's right that sweet little bundle of joy came with a price. The price we pay, a flabby belly. For all the mommy's out there don't despair there is a light at the end of the tunnel.

For starters let me get it out of the way that there is no miracle diet or exercise that can alone create a more toned tummy. The truth about how to tone your tummy is simply good diet and exercise. I hear you groaning, who has the time or energy right. Well the sooner you start the sooner you will be back to that sexy post mommy belly.

To start with you need to eliminate all the foods you eat that are high in fat. Note that you need some fat so don't eliminate it all together. Instead choose small portions of healthy fats like lean meats, poultry, fish, and nuts. You will also need to incorporate more veggies, whole grains, and low fat dairy.

You should encourage other members of the family to eat healthier too because if your surrounded by fatty snacks your likely to succumb to it. Not only is this good for you but it is better for your families health also.

Most of us don't realize how much stress can affect us losing our tummy. Isn't it unfortunate how much stress comes along with being a parent. The good news is that if you are stressed out you can balance the stress with simple meditation exercises. Without stress you'll likely be able to tone your tummy much quicker.

Keep in mind that when you are trying to tone your tummy that targeted exercises don't work. No matter how good it sounds to work you abs for 10 min a day for rock hard abs it just doesn't work. It's a fact that you need to work out your whole body to get rid of fat. This means that you will need to exercise regularly with both weights and cardio exercise.

In order to tone your tummy you will need to change your outlook on many things. First it is a must that you begin to eat healthy if you aren't already. Second make sure your working your whole body and not just your abs. Working targeted areas doesn't work. You need to focus on your body as a whole. If you change both these aspects in your life you will notice that your tummy will begin to look itself in no time.