6 Home Remedies to Treat Vaginal Yeast Infections in Women

There are some surprising home remedies that are used to treat vaginal yeast infections . Among them are dietary changes, stress relief, garlic, yogurt douching, and microwaving. There is not sufficient evidence to encourage or support the use of these treatments as a cure for yeast infection.

1. It is no surprise that stress and dietary habits affects our health. It has been shown that women who eat a lot of carbohydrates and bread have either an increased risk for yeast infections or a harder time getting rid of yeast infections.

2. Diabetics, who have higher blood sugar levels, are prone to have more yeast infections than those who are not diabetic. Perhaps lowering the amount of bread in the diet would help.

3. Stress is also a major determinant of our health status. Stress increases blood sugar levels and consequently increases the risk of vaginal yeast infections. Relaxation techniques such as yoga, deep breathing, and massages can help.

4. Garlic has antifungal activities and can destroy fungus at normal body temperatures. When fresh garlic is crushed, allicin, the active ingredient that kills fungi, is produced. The crushed garlic is wrapped in gauze immediately before insertion into the vagina. Powered or dried garlic does not have the same ability to kill fungi as fresh garlic. Side effects to the garlic include an offensive odor and possible allergic reactions.

5. Yogurt douching has been shown to be effective. It is well recognized that yeast infections caused byCandidaare a result of an imbalance of the normal vaginal flora.

Candida, which is normally found in the vagina, is an opportunistic organism that takes over and overgrows when the normal balance of organisms in the body is disrupted. TheLactobaciluspopulation, which is also normally found in the vaginal flora and maintains the pH, is one of the organisms that are over run byCandida.

Certain yogurt cultures have added activeLactobacilus acidophiliscultures to help get the flora back to normal. Women have been reported to use yogurt douches, which consist of a mixture of yogurt and water at night for 3 to 7 days.

Lactobacilus crispatusandL. jenseniigelatin capsules can also be taken for 3 to 7 days for women who do not want to douch. Both of these methods have been shown to provide relief.

Douching, however, produces an increased risk of pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis, and ectopic pregnancy, so taking the capsules may be more optimal.

6. Microwaving underwear has also been used as a technique to kill fungi. It is presumed that women who have recurrent yeast infections may haveCandidaon the underwear, even after laudering.

Microwaves have been shown to kill any organism on the underwear. Freshly laundered, damp cotton underwear are placed in the microwave for 30 minutes to kill any residualCandidaand reduce the risk of re-infection. Although this method has not been well studied, it may be a quick alternative to those suffering from recurrent yeast infections.