What You Need to Know About 5 Basic Stages of Female Breast Development

Breast development in females is divided into five stages:

Stage #1

The first stage of breast development is prior to puberty (preadolescent), when the breasts are flat and only the tips of the nipples are raised and show no signs of development at all. Both females and males are having the same stage at this point. But females' breast will grow further from this stage at the puberty whereas males continue in this stage throughout their life.

Stage #2

The second stage is also called as "breast bud stage". At this stage, buds begin to appear and develop. The nipples are also begun to rise, and the dark area of skin around the nipple called areola enlarges and darkens. This stage naturally begins in the years prior to adolescence.

Stage #3

This stage is characterized by the development of milk ducts and fat accumulation in breast tissue. Breasts continue to grow and become rounder and fuller although there is no significant development in breast shape. This additional volume may result discomfort in the chest.

Stage #4

This is a very crucial stage in breast development. The milk duct system is fully formed at this stage and also indicated by the prominence of the nipple and areola. This stage mostly occurs in early teens and may be painful due to skin stretches significantly. Girls should be educated to support their breast with proper breast holder or bra. Note that not all girls go through this stage instead go directly to the fifth stage.

Stage #5

This is the final stage of breast development phase. The breast size is full and typically with round shaped, nipples are raised. The ducts, tissues and cells in breast are completely matured in this stage. Nevertheless, the breasts will enlarge momentarily while estrogen levels increase at menstrual cycles. This is to prepare for a possible pregnancy. If pregnancy does not occur, the breasts will return to the normal size they were previously. The breast development is considered complete in this stage and mostly this is the full breast size achieved which a woman normally retains whole of her life.