The link between use of birth control and yeast infection

A woman's hormone levels are responsible for many different conditions and functions within her body. From emotional and mental health to physical appearance and fertility, hormones can make the difference between healthy functioning and disease or illness. The birth control pill greatly impacts hormone levels and can lead to a candida condition.

Typically birth control pills, otherwise known as oral contraceptives, are made up of the ovulation-suppressing hormones progestin and estrogen. When there is no ovulation there is no egg to fertilize, which prevents pregnancy. While the goal of no pregnancy may be met, these hormones flowing through the body's system can cause a hormonal imbalance in the body. For example, increased estrogen in the body increases blood sugar levels which in turn feed yeast, leading to a candida yeast overgrowth.

Candida has been on the rise for decades, just as birth control pill use has been on the rise. While there may be other factors involved, it is easy to recognize the connection between use of the pill and candidiasis.


When the body's intestinal flora is disrupted and yeast grows uncontrolled, mild to very severe symptoms can result, including:

•  Fatigue

•  Foggy brain or inability to concentrate

•  Irritability, anxiety, depression and/or mood swings

•  Digestive problems, i.e. bloating, gas, cramping

•  Vaginal yeast infections

•  Skin problems, i.e. eczema, psoriasis, acne and other rashes

•  Breastfeeding candida on nipples and breasts

•  Oral thrush

•  Weight gain

•  Cravings for high sugar or high starch foods


Often medical doctors will attempt to treat the symptoms with medications; however, treating symptoms is not the answer. In order to truly cure candida, one must treat the source of the problem: yeast overgrowth.

For a woman using oral contraceptives, the first step to improving candida symptoms may be to change her form of birth control. This will give the hormones a better chance to regulate, and will help to control the yeast growth. Some alternative non-hormonal forms of birth control are:

•  Condoms

•  Cervical Cap

•  Contraceptive sponge

•  IUD (Intrauterine Device)

•  Tubal ligation for female; Vasectomy for male

•  Natural family planning

In addition to changing birth control methods, it may benefit you to seek treatment from a natural or holistic doctor. They will likely guide you in a candida diet to fight the yeast overgrowth as well as other natural remedies to manage symptoms and get the condition under control.