Good Old Secrets Of Grandma- Bacterial Vaginosis Natural Cures For Quick Relief

Initially, like most people I too went in for conventional method of treatment for vaginosis instead of bacterial vaginosis natural cures. It was only after a second relapse, did it occur to me to me that this method may not be effective after all. We are so used to conventional modern medicines that we rarely consider other methods for treating any infection. Our first choice of treatment is always to take medicines.

Antibiotics and over the counter medicines merely offer symptomatic relief without addressing the root cause of the infection. Therefore most women resorting to this type of treatment method suffer intermittently from the problem over long periods of time.

My grandmother swears by home remedy and generally all her simple home cures are effective. Being backed by wisdom and years of experience she has ideas to cure a number of ailments including vaginosis. According to her by making use of bacterial vaginosis home remedy you can stay assured that the treatment method does not leave any adverse side effects. This type of bacterial vaginosis natural cures offers a sure cure for the infection.

In this article I am going to share some of my grandmother's simple bacterial vaginosis home remedy.

1. Over washing and Douching

Ensure that you do not over wash since this can result in the natural lubricants in the vagina being washed away. Similarly douching too unless done correctly and in moderation can cause the good bacteria also to be washed away from the vagina.

2. Tea tree oil

Tea Tree oil pessaries is an excellent bacterial vaginosis natural cures. It has natural antibacterial properties which can destroy the harmful bacteria which causes the infection.

3. Fresh fruits and Vegetables

Consume at least four to five helpings of fresh raw fruits and vegetables daily.

4. Cider Vinegar

To help the acidic conditions to be restored in the vagina mix two cups of cider vinegar to your warm bath and soak in it.

5. Yogurt

Probiotic yogurt is an excellent and well-known home remedy for vaginosis. You can eat it directly or dip in a tampon and leave it in your vagina for an hour or two.

You can use any one of the above bacterial vaginosis home remedy in isolation or in conjunction with others. This infection responds very well to bacterial vaginosis natural cures which offer permanent relief from the problem. Based on wisdom and experience these ideas are bound to give you relief from the infection fast.

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