Are Breast Enlargers Effective?

Many slimming and beauty salons claim they can increase the size of a woman's breasts through various exercise programs and mechanical devices. All these have one thing in common: they don't work. None of these advertised treatments can actually increase breast size.

The size of the breasts is genetically determined and no machine or massage can increase the amount of fatty tissue in them. So don’t waste your money on these questionable methods.

The most these exercises can do is to firm up the pectoral muscles which support the breasts. A good posture, with the back straight and the shoulders back and down, will also make the breasts look better. But if you're Twiggy aspiring to be Dolly Parton, forget it! You don't need all those fraudulent devices but the help of a surgeon.

Not all women, however, will benefit from plastic surgery. Many women tend to be overly concerned about the appearance of their breasts because of the male fetish of large breasts. While men usually like big breasts, these do not guarantee success in life. What's important in the long run is your character and personality - qualities that make up the total person.

True, big breasts may make you physically more attractive but they won't make you a genius or improve the way you deal with people. Contrary to popular belief, the size of the breasts has no bearing whatsoever on erotic sensitivity or pleasure. So before you visit a surgeon, take a look at yourself in a more positive light and see whether you really have to undergo corrective breast surgery.

"One should never undergo breast surgery for a minor defect. An equally important consideration is the emotional stability of the woman. It has been found that insecure, mal-adjusted and unstable women are usually poor candidates for corrective breast surgery. Such women tend to expect the operation to cure emotional ills unrelated to the shape or size of their breasts. It should be pointed out that no plastic surgeon, no matter how good he is, can change your life. Only you can do that," said Dr. Niels Lauersen, a diplomate of the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology.

If minor sagging is a problem, don't spend your money on so-called breast development programs that don't work. A little exercise will probably help. Another alternative is the Clevastin Natural Breast Enlargement System. This product is rich in breast-enhancing compounds that will help develop your breasts without the need for expensive and invasive surgery. Check out for details.

"It would be much more reasonable for a woman to do some isometric exercises especially geared to developing the pectoral muscles and strengthening the back muscles for good posture. Push-ups are another way of strengthening muscles in the back, chest wall, and upper arms. Swimming is also an excellent all purpose exercise which improves the tone of the muscles that support the breasts," Lauersen concluded.