The processes of breast development

One of the common biological processes in women is breast development. Many people are curious about this development even young girls but it should not be. Breast development starts when a girl reaches puberty and end with puberty too. In fact, breast development is a lifelong process.

Girls hit puberty faster than boys and it can be as young as nine years old. Breast development is seen as lifelong because it will continue to grow all the way until they breastfeed. The phrases of breast development are age related. At the age of 10 to 25, it is known as lobule development. At the age of 13 to 45, under the influence of hormones, glandular development takes place and at age 35 and above, shrinkage happens on the milk ducts.

Human breast development happens after six weeks of conceiving. A thickening or milk line will appear. The milk line extend to the fetus' groin but it start from the fetal sternum at six month. It contains few nipples and disappears when the location of the breast sets in. But, some nipples like a third nipple do not disappear. Female breast development starts when the nipples are in place. Cells will become sweat glands which are grown from one breast to another and separate ducting is led to the nipple. The milk-duct system is equipped when a baby girl is born.

When puberty sets in, a girl is at the beginning of lobule development. Estrogen is produced causing fats on connective tissues on the breast and lactic duct system will grow. Secretor glands are form when the breasts begin to mature at the beginning of ovulation and menstruation at the end of the milk-ducts. Both ducts and breasts will grow during puberty and form other glands and lobules.

There are a few changes physically when this happen. Fats will grow on the glands and ductwork of the breast bud. The areola will become darker and both breasts and nipples will rise. With the formation of glandular tissue, the breast will be bigger. It becomes rounder and heavier and the nipple is raised when the breast is fully matured.

However, breast can only really mature after birth and when she produces milk. The breast forms many new glands and lobules in order to prepare the woman for nursing. Both breasts and areola will become swollen and the areola will become darker. The first pregnancy is seen as the final growth of breasts while some continue this process by having the next pregnancy.

With the onset of menopause, involution is noticeable when woman is in their late 40s or early 50s although it starts around the age of 35. The breasts signal that woman do not have to prepare for nursing when menopause hit due to the lower level of estrogen. When this happens, the milk ducts and gland shrinks which cause the breasts to shrink too. Thus low levels of estrogen cause the breast to sag and lose its elasticity when it is dehydrated.

Both men and women should have the knowledge of breast development so that there is no curiosity about female breasts development. By being knowledgeable about this, people will be more open about breast's health.