Secrets of Beating the Infertility Statistics

Yes, you can beat the infertility statistics rather than become one of them.  Gaining a bit of knowledge through online research, and following a number of common sense tips will help you achieve your dream of becoming a parent. The secret is first of all to understand the basics so you know you are doing all that is within your power to do if you want to become pregnant, the second thing is to know when you need professional help and should consult a fertility specialist.

First of all, you have to understand the "mechanics" of becoming pregnant. It may seems fairly straight forward, but really understanding the process can be of assistance before you become one of the infertility statistics and have to seek out the aid of a medical professional.

A woman becomes pregnant when an egg that is released from her fallopian tubes each month is fertilized by the active f her partner. So, of course, the timing of this release and this fertilization is of paramount importance.

Generally, a woman releases an egg in the middle of her menstrual cycle. If your cycle is typically 28 days, you should figure that approximately day 14 is when your egg is viable and ready for fertilization. Since the egg only lives for about 24 hours, it is important to have sex in that time range, preferablybeforethe egg is released, since sperm can live up to 72 hours. It is better, therefore, for the sperm to be ready and waiting for the egg, than to take a chance on arriving a little too late after the 24 hour life of the egg.

You can see from this delicate timing that it is a miracle that more people do not become infertility statistics. In any particular month, the chance of a couple, without any known fertility issues, conceiving a baby are only 15 to 20%.  Most couples, about 70%, are able to conceive after about six months, but it takes a full year for 85% of couples trying to get pregnant to achieve this miracle.

If, after a year, you have not conceived, hope is not lost, since infertility statistics tell us that 95% of couples conceive after two years of trying. So, depending on your circumstances, you may want to relax and just continue trying even if you have already been unsuccessful after a year.

If one or both of you is older (over 30 for a woman, over 40 for a man), or if either of you has some health issues that may interfere with fertility, you may want to consider consulting a fertility doctor after a year so as not to waste too much precious time.

Health issues such as obesity, excessive alcohol intake, smoking and even excessive exercising are believed to interfere both with the woman's body's ability to conceive and the man's body's ability to successfully produce healthy sperm.

Improving your lifestyle and consulting a fertility specialist at that point will lessen your chances of becoming one of the infertility statistics.