Pelvic Floor Toner Reviews - The Athenafem Trainer and the Kegel8 Ultra

Pelvic floor toner reviews of the Athenafem Trainer and Kegel8 Ultra are few and far between as the latter is a brand new product which has just been launched in the UK. However, as these two products seem to be competing for a similar slice of the pelvic toner business, it seems appropriate to compare them.

<b>Athenafem Trainer</b>

Given the accolade of being a "no-brainer trainer" the Athenafem Trainer claims to be the most advanced device of its kind available. The feature which makes the Athenafem stand out from its competition is the fact that it is wireless. The control unit is completely separate from the tampon-like probe which is inserted into the vagina. It's dual pulse setting feature means that you can treat stress, urge and mixed incontinence. There are different programs to use, so that you can work at various levels to give the best range of pelvic muscle workouts.

<b>Kegel8 Ultra</b>

The Kegel8 Ultra is new to the market and is the latest addition to the bestselling "Kegel8" range. Designed with the help of physiotherapists, like the Athenafem, this device also claims to be the most advanced available! Although it retains a wire connection between the probe and control unit, it is very comfortable and simple to use. The Kegel8 Ultra has 14 different programs which you can alternate between. Like the Athenafem it is simple and comfortable to use.

Pelvic floor toner reviews often look at a number of products rather than just a couple. However, I felt it appropriate to look at these two side by side as in my opinion, they are so clearly in direct competition-even down to the claims that each is "the most advanced available". In terms of price, the Athenafem is more expensive but this is justified, in my opinion, by the fact that the probe is wireless and therefore more discreet to use. Both devices have digital displays which are similar in terms of content and both have a range of programs which can treat stress, urge and mixed incontinence. The probe on each trainer is 3.5" long by 1" wide and both are battery operated.

In terms of performance and results, there is little to choose from between the two. Both have excellent customer testimonials and very few negative comments.

In my opinion, the choice between these two comes down to two important considerations-price and convenience. The Kegel8 Ultra is a more economical option, and if this is a major consideration, this could be the device for you. If convenience is more important to you than price, then you may wish to take a look at the Athenafem Trainer as the cordless aspect is most definitely a plus. There are naturally many other good pelvic toners which you can consider, alongside the two which i have looked at here. Both of the above links will take to a site which is one of the largest UK suppliers of products for the feminine market. On their website you will be able to read many pelvic floor toner reviews which should help you make an informed choice.