Guidelines On The Treatment Of Thrush

Thrush is an infection of the mouth caused by the Candida fungus, also called yeast. Infection from Candida is not found only in mouths but this can also be found in some parts of our body, this causes rashes in infants and infection in the vagina for women. Thrush affects any person, babies and toddlers, older adults and specially those people who have feeble immune system. Thrush treatment could be in distinct ways, here are some of the ways the infection could be treated.

Antifungal medications are the common treatment for thrush and usually taken for 10-14 days and could be in different forms such as, tablets, lozenges, or liquids. However, thrush can be prevented when the following are done, such as, brushing for at least twice a day and flossing at least once a day, avoidance of using mouthwashes or sprays as these destroy the normal balance of the microorganisms in your mouth, seeing your dentist habitually and not smoking.

Home remedies such as yogurt is also useful as this kill the fungus and get rid of the condition quickly. Use plain yogurt only when treating thrush but any yogurt would be beneficial too. Green tea is also a nice for your diet, by drinking it, this will not only kill the fungus but it strengthens your immune system also.

Products like apple cider vinegar and salt water are also good in treating thrush too but follow directions when you are going to use either of these methods. Toothpastes that comprises baking soda and peroxide are also useful such as Arm and Hammer.
If you are treating thrush in an infant then you should cure it in a different way than you would for an adult. Immerse a pacifier in virgin coconut oil and give it to your baby however, in many cases, conditions may just go away naturally. This treatment is safe and will eradicate the infection in the mouth of your child. Also, yogurt would be helpful in treating the thrush in your child.

Oral thrush can be painful which causes discomfort when eating, talking, and performing almost any basic function with your mouth.

Knowing how to prevent the occurrence of this condition is important. Thrush treatment methods mentioned earlier in this article may be sufficient but for additional information you can search for more remedies.