These are Some of the Causes of Baby Yeast Infection

Baby yeast infection is not uncommon and the babies can have infections on many parts of the body. The most common places are on skin folds that tend to retain a lot of moisture and warmth. Baby yeast infection also occurs in the mouth and many babies have been affected by the painful condition. This is attributed the environment of the mouth that has not get gotten the right concentration of the helpful bacteria to fight yeast. The most common sign that will tell you the baby has a certain discomfort is the constant crying especially after urinating. You should therefore make point of checking the skin folds of your baby to ensure that you take note of every rash that may be present.

Baby yeast infection is caused by the notorious one celled fungus Candida albicans and there are other fungi which can cause the infection but, this is the most common. Yeast mostly comes from the food that is eaten by the baby and when they have a bowel movement, the stool will contain the yeast and the diaper facilitates the spread by providing a warm environment. Therefore, you should be very keen to change a diaper when the baby needs a change. Keeping the diaper as clean as possible will facilitate the elimination of yeast and hence the multiplication will also not occur. You need to be aware that if your child is taking antibiotics, they are more likely to suffer from yeast infection and taking the necessary precautions will go a long way to help discourage the problem.

When your are breastfeeding, and at the same time you are on antibiotics, your child is likely to develop baby yeast infection. You should therefore try to keep the diaper area as clean and dry as possible. When you remove one diaper, before you place another one, let the bottom area have a bit of exposure to air. When you finally place the diaper, you should not fasten it too tightly because you risk creating a suitable environment for the yeast to thrive. When the baby yeast infection affects the mouth, it is referred to as thrush. You will see white patches in the mouth and the baby will have trouble eating and suckling. You need to get the help of a good pediatrician, who can recommend a suitable anti fungal treatment for the baby.

You need to get more information on the subject so that you can know how exactly to respond to the symptoms. Firstly, do not treat your baby for baby yeast infection before you confirm that the condition is due to yeast. This is especially necessary in babies because they cannot talk to communicate their problem accurately. However, when you have the experience of knowing common diaper yeast rashes, you can use creams that will eliminate the symptoms. If the condition continues to occur, go to the doctor and find out whether there is an underlaying condition. All in all try to keep prevention as a priority to cubbing the yeast infection in babies.