women self defense

Personal safety for women has become an issue of importance nowadays. Crime against women is increasing at an alarming rate irrespective of their age. This is because people who commit such crimes feel that the women are weak and can be easily be suppressed. Weather you are in the streets, on campus or even at home, learning a practical women self defense system is the way to empower yourself and the way to save your life or the life of someone you love in a dangerous situation. But the truth is that most women still shy away from learning safety women self-defence techniques, they react negatively and see it as tomboyish and unladylike, or they think themselves too old for it. Not to blame, this happens because traditionally women are trained to avoid hurting. Women are being murdered... They should come forward and opt for thewomen self defencetraining programmes started by the government. Below listed points can be of great help for women safety to safeguard and makewomen alertat various life threatening situations.

women self dfense general rules

Be aware of everyone surrounding you, especially when you are alone.
Avoid listening to musics and phones while walking, this may limit your ability to listen to backgroung murmer.
Wear Comfortable dress when you are alone: Pencil skirts, Long Scarves, High heels, thick jewellery restricts your emergency acts.
Wear on Sun Glass: This may scare off attackers, since they cant identify your exact view point.
Keep your hands free to attack: Limit the number of bundles you carry.
Keep moving while helping strangers: An unexpected enquiry on time, direction should never make you stand around but keep moving. Act Wise.
Investigate routes: Find all the possible shortcuts and paths to your home. Keep away from using a regular route.
Car parking: Never choose to go alone to a dark parking place. You could ask for assistance to the guard to get your car. Better you dont carry valuable things in the car when you are alone.