How to Create a Happy Marriage from Females' Points?

Marriage likes a school, how much you learn, if pleasant or not that depend on different people. There are accidental factors, but it can't be absolutely attributed to these them. What kind of women could be easier to have a happy marriage?

Gentle women

Gentle women know to dealt with things gentle, and will be not collision with her husband directly, and make her husband embarrass before other people. She will show her opinion when both of them feel more calmness.

Be able to forgive each other

Two different personalities people live together will show different living habits, characters and interests. If you are too picky and have to put each other into line with your own standards, it would make the other side dissatisfaction and resentment.

Don't care about trivial things

There are many kinds of things for a family, so the important things must rest on principle and the trivial things had better not to care about and finicky. If the couple are usually quarrel for some innocuous things, this will be affect their feelings on each other gradually.
And how to feel happy if the complain and nag frequently around ears.

Economy is relatively independent

It is dangerous for those people who treat their husband's money as her own. Once all depend on husband's money, the marriage will be easy to change style. A woman may not earn too much, but she should earn enough to support herself. As for those full time wives, they must think twice, unless they get the full support of their husband. Don't quit job so easily, because being a full-time wife for a long time, you may feel fed up.

Love herself

Love her husband and love her family are natural thing for a caring family woman, but don't forget to love yourself. Cherish their own equals cherish their family.

Keep confidence

Confidence is a charm. If she can't recognize herself, how can get other people's recognize. The confidence not only creates in appearance, but reflects from intention, cultivation and morality.

Have own hobbies

If there is no time, interests, entertainment activities belong herself except family, husband, children, she will feel depressed when some unhappy things happened. Therefore, women should have their own living space and do their hobbies.