Interesting tales about pregnancy

Women who went through pregnancy created tales and still lived on until today. These tales are used to tell the unpredictable. Thus, it is all a joke. Listed below are the 12 popular tales.

The entanglement of umbilical cord tale:A baby is believed will choke when the mother lifts her hand above her head. Many think and still do, that a baby's umbilical chords can be tangled due to the mother's movement.

The Sty in the eye tale:A sty in the eye will happen if a man ignores a pregnant woman's cravings. This does not mean real sty but he will be threatened or being stared coldly.

The hair tale:Heartburn appearing in pregnant women means that the baby will have lots of hair. This is nonsense as thickness of hair depends on the baby's gene. Thus, some will lose all the hair during special ceremony.

The Heart beat tale:This tale is used to find out about the baby's gender. It is believed that a fast heart beat shows that it is a girl while a slow heart beat shows that it is a boy. This had been research and although the heart beat for both genders is different, it is not enough to prove that gender can be predicted this way.

The Gender tale:Mothers putting on weight in her face shows that she is carrying a baby girl while if the mother put on weight in her butt, she is carrying a baby boy. It is similar to the growing and widening of a mother's nose shows that it is a baby girl. The reason to this is that the daughter will be more beautiful than her mother. However, this tale is not true.

The Belly Shape tale:Women with a bullet like belly shape during pregnancy shows that they are carrying a boy while a round belly shows that the gender of the baby is a girl. This is false as women's belly come in many sizes and shapes and gender of the baby does not play a role in it.

The Spicy food tale:Eating spicy food may cause a woman to go in labour. This tale has been carried all the way to Italian restaurant that they promote Chicken Fra Diavolo to help women to go into labour. But, the thing is this is just another tale.

The Ugly baby tale:Ugly or horrible things seen by pregnant women might cause the baby to be ugly. It is not true as baby's looks are inherited from their parents. Plus, all babies are beautiful!

The birthmark tale:Mothers who have unfulfilled cravings and drank coffee during pregnancy will cause light brown birthmarks on the baby. This is not true at all.

The full moon tale:On a full moon,many women go into labour and on that night practitioner delivering babies are busiest. This is false as there is no scientific proves to this.

The Sex-labour tale:Having sex will make a woman to go in labour. It is false as women can only go into labour after being 9 months pregnant while some earlier due to premature birth. Sex has nothing to do with it.

The miracle of ultrasound tale:Many parents to-be are excited to know their baby's gender but at times ultrasound can't tell the baby's gender. Normally, the gender of the baby can be seen around eighteen weeks but it depends on the position of the baby. This is because sometimes the baby's leg is in the way of its genital making it impossible to see the baby's gender. Plus, ultrasound can be wrong especially when it is done early in the pregnancy. This means that ultrasound is not 100% dependable on knowing the baby's gender.