Defending Arab and Muslim women! Part Two

Hasan A. Yahya,  Ph.D

2. Accusations of Arab Societies: Some people accuse Arab women (especially in the Gulf Arab societies) for looking to as low as their drivers for sex? And ask Why this so? Then they give an answer to their question: It's because their men marry twice or thrice, and at some point one of the wives is always ignored. What do you expect her to do? An answer for this would be that Qatari, Saudi, or else, women do not sleep with as low as their drivers. This is absurd! There is no truth behind this. Claiming the opposite would be heresy and presumptions which, even if it was true does not constitute the majority nor do they alter the real truth. The writer spent a large proportion of his life in the Arab and Muslim world and he still reluctant to pin point a particular issue at its place. Claimers of these accusations of Qatari women, have to live longer and be with them and think like them to understand their issues. No one can just “cut and paste" their ideas for the public, who no little about Arab and Muslim culture. About polygamy, defenders of Arab women, in fact, say that many husbands [majority in each society] had only one wife. And most those who are polygamous are living in law illiteracy rate traditional communities. The writer has only one wife.

3. Islam and Adultery: The entire system in Islam should be re-done. Many people claim that, but for themselves, and later they act as others. Adultery is a larger question in Islam. Whether a woman willed herself to fall in love or whether she was helpless. Maybe she never loved her husband. But that's not important here. I think any state which kills for adultery has got some issues it needs to deal with in terms of human rights practiced in the western world [Europe and USA, Canada, etc.,]. Those claims that there should be no such thing as adultery. Reason for that is that no one can control the heart. No one prevent falling in love anytime with anyone. In all cases, it doesn’t matter of your marital status or seeing someone especially when someone is not happy. Life goes on, but some women do not like such life without love and respect. Some may ask: Why should they shoot an adulterer six times in the head? Talking about the men can have more than one wife, it is allowed only if they can be fair, it is not even encouraged in Islam. Most Muslim men abuse their women. Control them in authoritative way. But this phenomenon is decreasing by time.