Antiaging and Amalaki

Who would ever have imagined what a small, green fruit roughly the size of a tennis ball could achieve? Amalaki which is occasionally referred to as Amla is a fruit which is grown in India beneath the famous Himalayan Mountains.

Contemporary research indicates Amalaki to be one of the most encouraging botanicals that contribute to cellular rejuvenation, augment vitality and enhance immune functions. Tales abound pertaining to the therapeutic powers of Amalaki and its amazing antiaging benefits.

Within the Hindu folklore, Amalaki is reserved within a station of honor. The fruit has long been cited in the Ayurveda or as it is frequently identified as Indian medicine arts. It is listed within the pages as a tremendously robust rejuvenator possessing the gift to purify the human body and to effectively oppress illness.

The word Rejuvenator refers to a herb or fruit which encompasses the capacity to restore an individual’s overall wellbeing, radiance and vigor. Amalaki is promptly emerging in herbal therapy as the most rejuvenating food source in the world today.

The fruit is not purely a hit or miss item. The chemical synopsis related to Amalaki undoubtedly demonstrates an unparalleled variety of influential antioxidants, bioflavonoid, tannins and polyphenols. This distinctive fruit moreover boasts of augmented concentrations of amino acids, numerous trace minerals as well as other favorable phytonutrients.

In addition to all of these positive attributes, Amalaki hosts several extremely rare molecules acknowledged in the medical and chemical world as ascorbagins. While being a constituent for the tannin family, the ascorbagins molecules fashion a tough protective bond about the body’s Vitamin C molecule content. This makes the fruit a prevailing source of Vitamin C and its synthetic relatives.

You may be wondering how all this stimulates our health and what Amalaki actually can do. A better way to put this would be specifically what doesn’t this astonishing little fruit achieve. To afford a little insight into the worth of Amalaki, it has been referenced in 113 citations as well as 32 human studies within related medical literature manuscripts.

As we have previously discovered, Amalaki remains a prime source for Vitamin C, containing twenty times the quantity of this beneficial vitamin than would be found in one orange. In Amalaki, the Vitamin C eagerly bonds with the tannins and thus safeguards it from damaging heat or light.

Of all the uses of Amalaki it has been discovered that:

• It will provide a stronger immune system
• It enhances the body’s food absorption
• Tends to balance one’s stomach acids
• It will help stimulate the body’s liver, providing assistance to the liver in elimination of toxins
• It readily lowers cholesterol
• When ill it will reduce fevers
• It will act as a desired aphrodisiac
• It controls blood sugar, thus it aids diabetics
• Provides nourishment to the brain and boosts mental functioning
• It supports your heart. It is a cardiac stimulant, so should you have heart difficulties check with your physician prior to using Amla.
• Nourishes and strengthens the lungs
• Prevents constipation and encourages regular elimination
• Works as an aid to fertility by maintaining regular periods in women
• Aids one’s urinary system by acting like a natural diuretic
• Excellent conditioner for the skin
• A great promoter of healthy hair
• Flushes toxins from one’s body
• Increases one’s vitality
• provides an increase in metabolism

As you can see there is not a lot that Amalaki can not do. In this little fruit nature has generously provided not just a means of curing many of our current sufferings but also a protective shield that will keep us healthy for long. Amalaki should not replace professional medical attention; nonetheless it can assist in any healthy lifestyle to create a healthy you. Amalaki is found in liquid or powder form.