Muhammad: No one can recompense his mother's favors

This is Muhammad School -15

In many countries, they set aside a special day called Mother's Day to honor and appreciate the mother.  According to the Quran and Muhammad's Hadith, the appreciation of the mother should be a daily recognition rather than a special occasion. In Islam, mothers are given particular gratitude and respect.  A Muslim should respect and appreciate his mother 365 days a year.

A man came to the Prophet Muhammad and complained that his mother was very ill tempered.

Muhammad said, "She was not ill tempered when she kept you in her womb for nine months."

The man insisted, "O messenger of Allah, I am telling you the truth that she is very ill-tempered."

Muhammad said, "She was not ill-tempered when she used to keep awake the whole night for your sake and feed you."

The man said: "I have recompensed all these favors of my mother".

Muhammad then asked, "How have you recompensed her?"

The man replied "I have helped her perform pilgrim by putting her on my shoulders".

Muhammad said, "Can you also recompense the painful pangs which your mother had at the time of your birth?"

It should be emphasized that Muhammad was orphan, his father died before his birth and his mother died when he was six years old.

In a very clear narration the Prophet Mohammed said,

"Paradise lies at the feet of mothers"

This Hadith urges us to cherish and respect the mothers and it shows that pleasing the mothers will serve us and save us in the hereafter.

A young man once came to the Prophet Muhammad and sought his advice about taking part in the Holy War (Jihad) with him.

Muhammad asked him whether his mother was alive.

The man answered: yes

Muhammad then told him. "Go back home and serve her as if heaven was under her feet."

It was narrated that a man came to the Prophet Muhammad and asked him, "Who amongst my near one had the greatest right over me?"

Muhammad replied, "Your mother".

The man then asked, "Who after that?"

The Prophet replied again, "Your mother".

The man then asked, who is next,

The Prophet again replied, "Your mother".

The man then asked, who after that,

The Prophet said, "Your father".

This Hadith illustrates that a mother deserves service, love, submission, obedience and gratitude from the children more than the father. This is because a mother generally makes more sacrifices and endures greater hardships than a father while bringing up the children. She feeds them and takes care of them by sacrificing her comforts in the day and her sleep in the night without any greed or compulsion but only out of sheer love and affection.

This is the reason why this Hadith has given more importance to the mother and stressed upon the children to be more considerate and submissive to her in comparison with the father.

The right of the mother to be served and treated nicely is three times greater than that of the father, for she renders three important services to her children which cannot be done by the father. The mother bears the burden of the child during pregnancy, stands the pains of delivery, and then feeds the child from her breasts."

As afterwards, both father and mother play equal parts in training and bringing up the children, emphasis has been laid on the fair treatment for both of them by their children.

It is narrated that a man came to the Prophet Muhammad and asked him,

"Which deed is most liked by Allah?"

The Prophet replied, "Prayers on time."

Then the man asked, "Which one next?"

Muhammad said, "Goodliness to parents"

N.B., Hadith = Muhammad' sayings.