Organic Cashmere Pashmina Scarves

How is organic cashmere and pashmina produced?

Well the best organic cashmere and pashmina you can ever find is at Kashmir( ) the valley close to himalayas..
It is basically a super fine quality of wool, which is hand woven, eco friendly.
The Major Steps of producing it are as follows.

1. Wool Collection
First of all the wool from Chyangra (Capra Hircus) goat is collected. The Cashmere wool
is collected every spring. Then the soft fine cashmere is separated form the thick coarse
hair. And both the soft cashmere and the thick coarse hair is taken for their further
2. Spinning
The cashmere wool is collected every spring and is basically spun by hand. The yarn is
spun on a spinning wheel locally known as 'Charkha'. Prior to spinning, the raw material
is treated by stretching and cleaning it to remove any dirt and soaked for a few days in a
mixture of rice and water to make it softer. Hand-spinning is an extremely painstaking
task. It requires immense patience, dexterity and dedication and is amazing process to
3. Weaving
Cashmere yarn is too fragile for the vibration caused by power looms, the weaving of the
traditional 100% cashmere shawls are therefore done on hand-looms. It is essential for
the weaver to have a uniform hand. for par excellence fabric. Weaving here is done with
a shuttle carrying the soft cashmere yarn through the fine yet strong silk warp. The
weaving process is in itself an art, which has been passed down over generations, to give
Chinar Softech –Exporters and Manufacturers
you the fabulous shawls, which we offer. It takes about four days to weave a single
cashmere shawl. The weaving of cashmere products differ according to the nature of
cashmere products. Different looms are required to weave different cashmere products.
For cashmere shawls, cashmere stoles, cashmere mufflers, cashmere scarves, cashmere
blankets and cashmere sweaters are woven in different looms and they takes different
amount of cashmere fibers and takes time accordingly.
4. Fringes and Designs
The attractive and excellent fringes and beautiful designs in cashmere shawl will be
different than the others. Fringe and designs add extra beauty to cashmere shawls and
other cashmere products. The making of the distinctive cashmere fringe and designs is an
interesting stage of shawl making. Because the fringe and design making process is
artistic and delicate process it takes hours to fringe and design each cashmere shawl or
any other cashmere product by the expert.
5. Dyeing
Dyeing is also done by hand, and each piece individually. Dyers with immense patience
and generations of experience are the one who dye the cashmere shawls, Cashmere
stoles, cashmere mufflers, cashmere scarves, cashmere sweaters, cashmere blankets and
other cashmere products, as even the smallest negligence reflects on the quality of the
product. Only metal and azo free dyes are used, making the shawls and other cashmere
products completely eco-friendly. The pure water used for dying is pumped up from deep
beneath the surface. Dyeing is done at a temperature just below boiling point for nearly
an hour. Cashmere wool is exceptionally absorbent, and dyes easily and deeply.
In this way a fabulous cashmere shawl, cashmere stole, cashmere scarf, cashmere
muffler, cashmere sweater, cashmere blanket and other cashmere product is made. Since
making of cashmere products is an pain staking, artistic and time consuming process
therefore the quality and the price of cashmere products are incomparable to other
garments or fibers.

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Ravi kaul
Chinar Softech