Getting Him Back

I will tell you something about a lady who explained to me about her experience during break up, here it goes, I miss my man but I kicked him to the curb because I really disliked his acts for months. I was then got over what he had done to me and decided to advanced with my life. He did moved on too. But quitely he missed me, and begged me to return to him. Also because of a bully idiot he is I turned him down, as if I was better than him. Well that was my biggest blunder.

CLICK HERE - Tips to Get Ex Boyfriend Back Completely

I supposed that by keeping my distance I wouldn not go back to him, and this will prevent me from being obsessed by him. And now its been about 3 months without him, I am missing him .

I don not talk to him because he got over me. At the time when things were good, I didnt want to affect our situation. I started wishing he was with me. Thats when this all started me missing him.

And now I can not escape strong feelings to want him back, and I regret my bad decisions and not working our things out to forgive each other. Now he is moving to a some other province and I will be stuck here wishing he was with me. I just wanna follow him where he is.

You don not want to be like this woman, losing her boyfriend but you have a small opportunity to get him back. This is because men have a way to tell the difference between relationship and their general life, women however work differently, your life is involved with him... tell me haven not you been unable to concentrate on your activities or hasn not your functioning at work getting worse.