8 Natural Methods to Enhance Fertility

Before rushing off to an In Vitro Fertilization Clinic if you cannot conceive there are natural ways to increase your chances of having a baby. IVF procedures can be costly and there are no guarantees of success even after repeated attempts by a couple.New studies reveal that stress of today's lifestyles is causing much of the fertility problems experienced by couples wishing to have a baby. Other research indicates women who have high levels of the hormone cortisol which is linked to stress do not have a menstrual cycle at all.

Foods which are high in anti-oxidants, iron, calcium, zinc and enzymes will greatly increase your chances of fertility. A daily cup of organic blueberries can increase the chances of success as well the natural Goji berry using in traditional chinese medicine can boost your drive better than oysters.

Foods to Improve Fertility: Fruits that are both colorful and high in anti-oxidants such as: red peppers, orange carrots, green salads, mangoes, apples, figs, yams, nuts, salmon, oysters, and carrots improve fertility. High calcium selections for women improve the ability to conceive. Lifestyle and diet improvements are great alternative healthful ways to avoid infertility.

Exercise: Prenatal preparation is enhanced by moderately strengthening the body through exercise. The best method is yoga since it produces melatonin which helps reduce the stress of trying to get pregnant.
Pre -Natal Yoga classes also teach you to strengthen the muscles of the body which are used during giving birth.

Relaxing and meditating on the wonderful bundle of joy that is about to enhance your family also is a powerful effect on getting pregnant. This type of yoga with specific positions strengthens tone and flexibility which increases reproductive health.

What to Avoid for Improved Fertility: Alcohol and caffeine do affect both parents-to-be in decreased chances of fertilization. Plenty of restful sleep, fresh air walks in the sunshine and reduced stress all are goals for all young couples wishing to have a baby.

Acupuncture: Through balancing the body's energies that may be stuck, a traditional Chinese method of using acupuncture can create the harmony necessary for conception. Balancing the body's energy levels of the uterus, liver, and reproductive systems is a valued and successful process of creating a baby.

Herbs and Supplements: Dong Quai, Nettle Leaves, Damiania are all herbs that can increase ovulation, balance hormones, adrenal glands and increase the bodies energy levels for conception.

Vitamins: Increasing intake of Vitamin E helps the reproductive glands in their production of key sex hormones in conceiving a baby. Selenium is also being studied for its effects on lower male fertility by the University of Padua in Italy.

Detoxing the Body: All herbal cleansers such as colon, kidney, liver and blood cleansers can have a very positive effect on achieving conception. A sluggish colon which increases the toxin levels can actually prevent fertility.

Herbal Colon Cleanses: and colonics increase blood flow and support the liver to remove more toxins as well as stimulating the gallbladder to release bile.
All these methods result in a cleaner, healthy and safe environment to start manufacturing a baby.

Even after pregnancy occurs detoxing and these techniques is optimal for caring for a healthy bouncing baby the natural way.