What Everybody Ought To Know About Brazilian Hair Straightening

Brazilian hair straightening is rapidly becoming wide spread, moving from its home in brazil salons are adopting the techniques far and wide. The technique is known as Escova Progressiva or in English translation progressive blowdry. How does the technique work and what are the benefits of using for your hair.

The basic concept is the heat is used to seal in the hair cuticle with keratin, for those who are not aware keratin is the natural protein that is found in human hair. What are the benefits of this for your hair? Do you have wavy, curly or kinky hair, well this new technique is now all the rage with the celebrities. The process is said to take around 2 hours and the results are set to transform your hair and straighten your hair, want to hear the best part......for up to 4 months! No need for endless revisits to the salon your hair is straight and stays straight.

The technique used does not use chemicals to open the hair cuticle to achieve the results; the process uses keratin which is a protein that is found in your hair naturally, keratin is the protein that will make your hair tough, elastic and durable. If you want to have straight hair then you need to have keratin. The technique is a natural treatment and once it has worn off there will be no chemical imbalance and your hair will be back to the original state. The general process will allow the natural negative irons that are produced to break down the water molecule clusters into micro particles which in turn will allow the mixture to penetrate deep into the hair shaft and begin the straightening process naturally. The process can cost anywhere between two hundred to three hundred dollars and this will depend on the type of hair you have and the length of the hair.

The Brazilian hair straightening process is fine for anybody to have and any hair type, there are a number of precautionary steps that you can take to make sure you get the best possible results. Firstly make sure you keep your hair down for at least the first four days after you have had the procedure done. If you do get your hair wet within the first four days even though it Is not recommended then make sure you dry the hair as quickly as possible with a blow dryer. Keep the hair away from your face as much as possible to avoid damage. After you have undergone the process then you may want to wait a few days, normally recommended 4 days until you undertake some certain activities in order that you do not affect the results. Some things that you should avoid include, washing your hair, using hair clips, putting your hair up or into pony tails, excessive exercise or sweating, hair bands or any types of gel, moose or sprays. Of course you could do any of these activities but this could effect how long the procedure lasts on your hair.