In the sequence of educating common people, ASCON has come with new topic Do and Don't in Online Matrimonial. There are different opinions we can find or hear about the online wedding services. People say that it is not safe, not to be trusted, risky, uncongenial, unrepresentative etc but the fact is that wedding ceremony in the actual human race is also not exclusively free from unfaithfulness. Despite the fact that it is to a great extent easier for people and families to counterfeit their profiles online, a few preventive steps can be taken which might help you in having a protected and sheltered online wedding. To know more about the same can be logged in. ASCON offers its services in Luck now, Patna, Jaipur, Mumbai, Kolkata, Kanpur, Delhi, Orissa, Assam, and all other distinguished city throughout India. ASCON deals in Pre-matrimonial. Post-matrimonial, Divorce Cases, undercover operation, Business and Market survey, Affair at work place, Spouse surveillance, Catch cheating spouse, Teenager activity check, Child protection Surveillance, Gay Spouse Surveillance, Internet Relationship and many other services.

Don't of Online Matrimony:

Authenticity and sincerity are two of the majority considerable intrinsic worth of humankind but in today, it is more significant to take convinced conclusions from 'mind' as an alternative of feeling. When you are interacting with an exacting human being on the Internet, you should always be precautious and long-suffering and keep away from speeding up into a bond. Before unquestioning somebody absolutely, by no means forgets to ask a few questions to yourself like:

Whatever I know about this person, is it adequate? If you are in hesitation concerning your information of the match, try to know him/her extra before taking any footstep further. Take your time. It is a choice of a life span.

Do Not

Nevertheless, it is hard to provide rational way of thinking for your familiarity and opinion;If you are in self, doubt a person, just cross check on him/her with the help of secret sources. Also, consider the fact that is it right to be in a relationship with someone, who you need to investigate. You need to be precautious enough at each walk. You should be apprehensive about the counterpart if he/she involves in the given activities directly or indirectly and of course, his/her explanation should be acceptable to you as the life is at stake of both would be life partner.

Eyebrow starts rising when he/she very frequently disappears, most of the time not approachable by phone as well as email. Information given by him/her is not complete, incorrect information about the age, likings, marital status, profession, employment, and many other things. He/she is also under suspicious in case of not providing landline number and calls are received by office numbers most of the time. His appearance does not match to his/her online frontage, not interested to introduce friends, colleagues or any family members.


ASCON with its enormous experience in dealing with the issue of Matrimonial generally exchanging views with all our readers that Wedding is a bond for lifetime. One must tell the entire genuineness about you as well: It is for the same reason significant to be accurate to the other individual as well. To begin with, you might be aware of a modest apprehensive but it is essential to put on self-confidence of the other person. At every step, you need to follow "Honesty is the best policy."ASCON has an agenda to make aware with the reality of online matrimonial services to all its reader.

ASCON suggests to the common mass that one should be very careful while sending or uploading photograph, it in actual fact matters a lot, as it is the first impression. First impression does not go effective in case of picture is not well placed. It can cost you much indirectly and you can miss many high quality and attention-grabbing matches. Being frank, friendly is good but it is recommended to be careful enough side by side. During the telephonic or e-mail conversation, it is advisable not to disclose much about yourself. ASCON advices to the candidate that  in case of discussing about your family, profession or some other important issues, meet in person, it is the smart and defensive way of communication.

Mr. Sanjay Kapoor, MD of ASCON Detectives Network advices that right from the beginning you need to involve your family directly or indirectly to protect yourself from any kinds of unhappenings.You might think that you are capable enough to face and fight the issues come across, it might true as well, but family support is always an added advantage for you. It is your duty to keep updated every thing to your family member.

It is a sincere advice by MD of ASCON Detectives Mr. Sanjay Kapoor to everyone dealing with online matrimonial services Avoid being emotional for someone online. It normally harms or has not seen good result in future. It is the virtual world unless converted into reality. A little precaution is always required to deal better in better way. It has been seen that many people like bamboozling others by making forged and fraudulent profile. Even if you are interested to know more about the person, it is advisable to behave patient. Spontaneous decision can harm and spoil the whole game.

Last but not the least, it is important to be yourself more than anything else is. Just be the way you are. He/she will fall in love with you, they way you are, whether you meet him/her online or offline.

Mr. Sanjay Kapoor speaks further that the probability of finding the perfect life partner is more or less even in the real or virtual world. All you need is the desire to meet and know someone, and the spirit of adventure to get you started either way.

In case of any query regarding the online matrimonial issues, you can send mail to get free advice from our MD, Mr. Sanjay Kapoor at