Women: The Ideal Managers

Women and their skills are always a point to be discussed everywhere. Often the question arises - Are they better managers both at home and office? Are they capable of administering their skills in a proper manner? Are they good at handling responsibility both within and outside the family? To all these questions, the only answer that can be provided is a positive attitude by saying ‘YES'. In every sphere of life, women have proved that they are at par with men and sometimes better off than men in handling responsibility and administering skills, particularly in management.

In times of ‘scarcity', women know how to manage with fewer resources. It's the inborn quality of a woman to be capable of handling adversities of life, both at home and office. Women are better planners, which have been proved time and again. Their home planning helps them at office too. Women, particularly those working in the organized  sector, depend more on planning rather than mechanical working.

In the contemporary business sector, there is need for good administrative skills to  manage resources and a system that involves constant function of body and mind. Though women are better placed in this aspect, they are yet to receive their due recognition.

In today's world, many of us are aware of the phrase ‘Total Quality Management(TQM)'. In today's work culture TQM has become part and parcel of life. Staff training is provided through several workshops organized by the office. One of TQM's pillars isdaily routine management -to learn which tools we need to carry in our daily activities. Women are already experts in this area as they are engaged in daily management at the home front. Households run only because the daily routine, including cooking, boiling milk, packing lunch box, etc, goes on with faultless precision and on time, even at times of illness or bereavement. In this way, women have proved the age-old paradox that they are more efficient in managing than men. It's from her experiences that a woman knows about the right job at the right time.