Low Libido in Women Who Have No Interest in Men or Sex

People are always looking for means of entertainment no matter where they live. The most common activity which people indulge in for deriving and giving pleasure is sexual intercourse. The medical terminology of sexual desire is called libido. It is an extremely common and natural feeling which can be found in both males and females.

However this desire may fluctuate over time. It may increase or decrease as per the situation. Sexuality like all other avenues of a relationship should be compatible in a relationship. Majority of the relationships may not last for long because the sexual level of the relationship is strained.

The physical aspect of a relationship may contribute to the long lasting of it. There is a difference in sexual drives of men and women. Because of the presence of testosterone, males may have stronger sexual desires as compared to females. On the other hand females possess a high amount of hormones namely estrogen or progesterone. This makes their drives different and therefore men may be more aggressive than women.

In recent years there has been a decrease in libido of women. There are a wide variety of factors which contribute to a low libido of women. Doctors have been researching to somehow find ways to improve the libido of women. For that to be possible reasons should be comprehended first. Females who do not possess a good body i.e. if they are under or over weight may feel conscious and hence may be turned off from any sexual activity.

Stress, depression or any other trauma may also discourage women. Also asexuality and pregnancy may douse sexual desires as well. More reasons may include sexual abuse in childhood or fear of their sexual prowess. To improve women's libido a lot of methods have been derived. Every person may respond to different types of sexual stimulation.

Herbs to improve women's libido have been discovered which can be used by every women. As sexual activity is a crucial part of a relationship, there should be no problems in this area for the relationship to continue smoothly.