What are you going to wear tonight ?

If the scene that you're standing in front of your totally stocked closet and looking at the discarded outfits that piled up on the bed wondering which one to pick up for tonight appears times after times, you'd better take some "lessons" where you can get a hint to select the appropriate party dresses for the occasion you're going to tonight. Absolutely it's your time to change.

Suppose you're invited to a fancy party at a luxury restaurant, please be sure that the dresses should be "cocktail attire". You'd better get some kind of little black dress off the hanger and pressed. This is especially appropriate for exclusive restaurants or hotels. Well then, if the party is not held at the ritziest place in town but a close second runner up, please be sure to choose the "evening resort party dresses ." This simply means an alternative to the little black dress, such as a nice conservative yet festive dress or skirt and blouse. Once step down from this occasion would be "business casual" or "resort attire." This is most appropriate if the party is held at the local country club. Shorts, skorts, and even short skirts are appropriate, if they are properly cut and fit well. This is not the time for the bargain basement mini skirt!

While, if you're planning to have some kind of crazy celebration night with your close friends, the choice of your party dresses will be much easier. You can pick up your light jeans breeches and find a light-colored T-shirt, or you can even wear the same clothes you have on at home. In a word, this occasion is not so formal and you don't need to care so muck about your wearing.

As you can see, questions of fashionable party dresses are entirely appropriate when considering attending or even hosting a party. If you are fortunate enough to be hosting one, please take the guests' guess work out of the equation, and instead let them know how to dress for the occasion! On the other hand, if you are on the guest list of some kind of parties, be sure to ask if there will be a dress code. Mostly you will be able to glean this bit of information when taking a look at the location of the event, but in case you are unfamiliar with the venue, a quick phone call to the hostess will clear up any questions and prevent embarrassing misunderstandings.