Fertility Breakfast (where Else?) in Bed!

Whether or not you are using a BBT Thermometer, Ovulation Calendar, Ovulation Detection Kit, or the ever-so-lovely Cervical Mucus Method of detecting ovulation, there is nothing more sexy and romantic during your baby-making time than a fabulous fertility breakfast-in-bed.

It’s as easy as bringing the bacon to the egg!

Start with a hot brew of coffee or tea as the breakfast beverage of choice. Just one cup of coffee prior to love-making is known to improve sperm motility. Or knock-up your passion a notch or two with Peppermint Tea, which is abundant in vitamins A and C, calcium, iron, zinc and magnesium, all known to rev up your body in all the right places!

Next, bring on cinnamon buns (we’re talking food here, not your favorite nickname!), which are reputed to increase penile blood flow by as much as 40%. And depending upon your diet preferences, doughnuts are a scandalously sexy treat. According to researchers at Chicago’s Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation, the scent of doughnuts causes the greatest increase in penile blood flow of any food tested.

If you’re feeling particularly domestic, egg each other on. Whatever your preference in preparation, eggs fall into the aphrodisiac category because of their magical nutritional values of protein, vitamins A and D, and iron. But most important for you, eggs stimulate sexual desire. So poach, scramble, fry, or boil – eggs are sure to get you over, easy.

Or maybe you want things a little easier than that. Grab a bowl of your favorite cereal and sprinkle with your nuts! Honestly though, nuts and seeds are known fertility inducers. Nature’s perfect foods, nuts and seeds are loaded with perfectly proportioned fatty acids, vitamin E, zinc, protein, and complex carbohydrates – all nutrients that will make your morning. Try almonds or hazelnuts, or seeds such as pumpkin, sesame or sunflower as an added kick to your crunch. And don’t forget that milk, with its vitamins A and D, and calcium, is the motherhood beverage of choice. Go on, do your body good.

And of course let’s consider the seductive and succulent powers of fruit. Ahhh. Try feeding each other grapes. Red or green, grapes are packed with vitamins A, B6, and C, as well as folic acid, all known fertility enhancers. Or think juicy. Think large. You still there? Think papaya, a lusty little fruit and an excellent source of vitamin C and folic acid. And let’s not forget the luscious strawberry. Strawberries are packed with vitamin C, folic acid and potassium, and are considered a powerful sexual stimulant.

Breakfast takes on a whole new meaning when you are aware of the powers that aphrodisiacal foods bring to fertility. The beauty of these foods for deliciously sexy baby-making is that they enhance your sexual desires and bring fun and romance to the morning of, and/or the morning after.

So go on, eat your breakfast-in-bed!