Loss Of Libido - Here are 4 Important Causes Of Decreased Libido In Women

Women of any age can experience decreased libido. A loss of sex drive is often called sexual dysfunction and it can include loss of libido in women, difficulties in becoming aroused, trouble achieving orgasm or having pain while engaging in intercourse. It is most common to occur in women who are middle-aged so this can happen anywhere between the ages of 35-65.

Your age and Menopause

Decreased libido in women tends to occur in the years before menopause, which is called perimenopause. This can affect women in their 30s and 40s. When women are in their perimenopause phase, they experience a change in hormones which can affect their sex drive. A decrease in estrogen levels can lead to vaginal dryness which makes sexual intercourse painful and therefore, less desirable.

Are you attractive enough?

If a woman does not feel attractive, she may not be interested in sexual activity. She can't imagine that a man would find her attractive and as a result, she has a diminished sex drive. Women who are physically or emotional ill have a decreased libido. These women are sealing with important health issues and sexual activity is very low on the totem pole.

What medications are you on?

Medications can greatly affect a woman's sex drive. Any prescription that alters blood flow such as blood pressure medications will affect sexual interest. A woman's physiological reaction to sex occurs when blood flows to the genital area.

This causes women's vaginas to get lubricated and enlarges the clitoris. If a woman is taking blood pressure medication, then there is less blood flowing to the genitals and therefore there is less sexual arousal. Some anti-psychotic medications cause skin to become dry or dry mucous membranes. This dryness will also affect sexual arousal and desire.

Do you drink a lot?

While many people believe that alcohol increases the desire for sexual activity, the reverse is actually true. Alcohol is a depressant, and if you drink too much you will not have an increased libido. Women who have the sole responsibility of taking care of young children or elderly parents can become extremely worn out due to the stress caused by caring for family members. This can lead to a loss of libido in women as well.

Are you concerned

If you are concerned about your loss of sex drive, consult your physician so that he can rule out medical problems and help you regain the sexual appetite that you once had. There are a lot of causes of decreased libido in women, but that does not mean you can not solve the problem. You will find that there are some products that will help you regain you loss of libido, starting today.