
Women (WO+Men), Wife of (Men) - Please notice the two capitals in the word "Women". In very old English, wyf or wifman were used to refer "a woman" where "Wif" evolved into the word "wife". Today, I am claiming that, the origin has to re-research. Are we sure that we really know everything that's going on in the countries you have lived in? Unlike Political turmoil, bandh and Chakka Jams there is far more important aspect to look at such as humanitarian tragedies, rape, and child abuse and sexploitation. The big picture here is how to how to deal with slavery and forced prostitution in SE-Asia?

Human-rights organizations have been studying human trafficking for years: those who are skeptical should actually read some of those reports by the NGO's and INGO's. Once I visited the Massage Parlor in Thamel and I heard a story from a prostitute on why she was in this business? I found that, it was because of her husband who left her. There are several other factors such as, unwanted pregnancy, poverty, fake boyfriend or husband, sickness of family, debt or family debts and lack of proper education. Prostitution (In Kathmandu, Commonly known as Massage Parlor near Thamel area) is integral part of sex trade for buyers and traders. Forced Prostitution and sex trade is highly focused for local customers and also to foreign tourists. In Thailand and Japan, sex trade is billion dollar industry. What is the motivation for these prostitutes who sell her body to foreign males or even locals? The biggest motivating factor is "Poverty, lack of support from family or finding alternatives to support family and lack of education". Most of the times, these women are involved in Prostitution through friends, relatives and even by there family who lure them into sex business.

There is also another form of sexual abuse a women has to face- psychically atrocious, to be raped by strangers non-stop, or nightly rapes by a father, grandfather, brother or uncle. There should be rampant prevalence of child rape perpetrated by male family members. Unfortunately, our family and criminal courts are equally ignorant and ineffective at addressing the realities of sexual assault of children within families. Buying the virginity of a prostitute, or receiving a gift of virginity (as now women seem voluntarily to be doing for their husbands through plastic surgery) is very bad in today's society. I believe, Choice of when, where, and with who to have sex is a privilege that very few women in this world experience.

My heart bleeds for these innocent and vulnerable young women, anyone who abuses a woman and especially a minor should be prosecuted, if you want to help, address the source of the problem: poverty. Give them a fishing pole, rather than simply handing fish. To those who are skeptical about this- imagine your young son or daughter being the subject of abduction and slavery. As long as there is lack of proper support from our Government, which sounds like a rotten tape recorder now, no Western world and no NGO will change the rules of the trade.