High Blood Pressure And Pregnancy What You Should Know

A positive lifestyle change is a great way for the average person to control their blood pressure. However, what about pregnant women with high blood pressure? Can having high blood pressure during pregnancy harm the unborn child?

Yes. High blood pressure can result in complications during pregnancy that can be dangerous to both the mother and fetus if left untreated. There are different ways pregnant women with high blood pressure can help control their condition and reduce the health risks to the fetus. That being said, not all pregnant women with hypertension put their baby and themselves in danger. Many have healthy pregnancies without complications.

How common is hypertension in pregnancy? In the U.S. alone, it is estimated that problems with high blood pressure occur in 6 - 8% of pregnancy, over 65% of which are in women experiencing pregnancy for the first time.

What are the negative effects of hypertension? The effects high blood pressure can have on a pregnancy may be mild or severe and could include: