How to Stay an Informed Consumer With Cosmetics

If you are watching your dollars much closer today than you were a few years ago, the amount of discretionary income you have for cosmetics is probably smaller. Everyone is trying to be wiser about what we should and should not spend money on. Cosmetics can be quite a pricey and difficult item to justify and it is particularly true when what you buy turns out to be an expensive bottle of snake oil and nothing else.

How can you tell which product will deliver results? How can you target a certain kind of product? What should you be looking for?

By now, you probably have tried numerous anti aging creams and none of them worked. You might have even experienced adverse reactions from products that, on paper, looked like the real deal. It is so very frustrating to realize that you purchased another useless product that you might want to give up altogether.

Dont do that. Instead, be smart about acquiring the right product for you and your needs.

If your goal is to reduce wrinkles that you currently have and to increase the firmness and elasticity of your skin, seek out natural products with no harmful chemical or irritating substances. Natural skin care is the safest alternative and numerous recent studies show that it is also the most effective. Those of us that are interested in avoiding pesticides, herbicides and other hazardous chemicals have decided organic and natural skin care products are the answer to much more than healthy skin. They are the answer to healthy living.

However, beware of modern marketing and deceitful advertising. It's common to find artificial preservatives, sunscreens that cause cancer and concentrated fragrances that cause allergic reactions in many cosmetics touted as natural.

You must also realize that because an anti aging skin care system is expensive, it doesnt mean that it is an effective product. In fact, some of the most expensive products are the least effective. Effective anti aging skin care products might not be as cheap as we would like them to be, but there are some designer, high end anti aging creams on the market that cost nearly $400. For that very same price, you can buy an effective day cream, night cream, body lotion, moisturizing mask, deep cleansing mask and eye gel. Thats a full line of cosmetics that will last you several months.

Advertising and marketing are the culprits for expensive, ineffective cosmetics. The manufacturers rather spend lots of money on the glamour and glitz of television, magazine and radio advertising than on an honest product. They also pay celebrities to endorse their products or for a license to use the celebrity's name. In the end, you reimburse them for all these useless expenses. Its a poor investment for the consumer.

So your first marching order is to learn to see beyond the big name brands and glitzy ads and rather look for substantiated, scientific proof that a product will in fact help your skin fell and look better. Do not put chemically loaded beauty products on your shopping list today and, instead, consider the possibility of a line that will pamper your skin and treat it with the respect it deserves.