Stay Safe When Exercising

It seems that a lot of people really get into the exercise and fitness routine when NBC’s Biggest Loser Show comes on the air, this writer included.  Being fit and eating right is so very important to maintain a healthy body, but being safe is just as important.

Going on a walk with friends is safer than going alone, but sometimes friends are not available when you have the time or energy.  Protecting yourself when you decide to go it alone is extremely important.

Your Greatest Protection Store offers a unique answer to being better prepared to protect yourself while alone on that walk or jog. It is a product called “Hot Walkers”. “Hot Walkers” are two, 1 lb. hand weights that contain pepper spray for your self-defense. Not only do you get the benefits of the extra weight to carry around, not that I don’t have enough of my own, but you get the pepper spray to keep attackers at bay while you get away. They also contain a nifty little storage compartment for your keys and money!

If carrying pepper spray makes you uncomfortable for some reason when jogging, Your Greatest Protection Store also has a good selection of Personal Alarms. These alarms vary in features. I like the ones that have a built-in flashlight. The one main thing they all do is emit an ear piercing 120db alarm. If you find yourself in trouble just activate the alarm and it should help draw attention to your situation and deter the attacker.

I know many of us like to “hit the gym” when we first get up in the morning or go right after work. Well, with fall and winter approaching, the days are getting shorter and shorter. Most likely it will be dark as you are either entering or exiting your gym. Don’t get into the habit of keeping your head down while walking to and from your car. Before you get out of your car, look around; make sure there is no one that seems out of place or makes you feel uncomfortable. The same thing holds true when leaving your gym. Before you open the gym doors, look outside and keep your head up and be aware of your surroundings as you walk to your car. I always carry a keychain with a small canister of pepper spray on it. Just in case.

I know, you’re saying, “but I live in a quiet, peaceful neighborhood”.  Well maybe so, but I’m not sure attackers want to keep it that way.  Everyone is vulnerable when they are out alone, especially women. But now, we can do something about it.

If by chance, you live in an area that is not quite as “safe”, Your Greatest Protection offers more advanced personal protection products to help you better protect yourself, such as Tasers and Stun Guns.

Now I know you’ve probably heard a lot of this before, but why take chances when there are products available to help keep you safe.  Wouldn’t you feel more comfortable knowing that you did all you could to keep yourself out of harms way? I know I do.

I try to do what I can. Yes this includes exercising and eating right, and protecting myself. Who knows, with the muscle I build by using the hand weights, maybe I can give an attacker a run for their money.

Exercise, stay fit, eat right, stay safe and don’t be a loser by becoming a victim.

Wouldn’t Bob & Jillian be proud!