2003 - Excerpt from the writings of a black author:

Disappearance of the Caucasian Race - The Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Directive 15, designates racial and ethnic categories used in the US

Census and in other innumerable public and private research projects.

When the term 8 percenters is used in this article, it refers to the disappearance of the European (Scandinavian/Nordic) White Caucasian Race. You can do a

quick examination for yourself. Go to the Population Reference Bureau Website for 2003 and add the figures together. If you take the numbers given for Europe

and North America and divide them by the numbers given for Africa, Asia, South America and Oceania you can calculate the percentages. At the present time

(2003) Whites amount to about 20 percent. By 2050 the percentage will drop to between 5 - 8%. Between 92-95% of the world’s population will be non-White.

Today,  the following countries show a serious population decline: Italy, Spain, Germany, France, Belgium, Portugal, Greece, Croatia, Ukraine, Russia,

Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, and Bulgaria with more on the way. Germans – like the Italians, Russian, Spanish and Greeks - are also an

endangered species. And what is the common bond?

They are all ‘white’ nations.

If you are a woman, there is something I wish to call to your attention. The human reace cannot survive without replacing those who die. The exact average

number of replacements that are necessary for survival is 2.1 offspring per healthy adult female. There are no exceptions. Where babies are the result of

copulation between male and female, each female must produce on average, 2.1 offspring for survival. Since this is fact, when we say that a woman has the

right to choose whether or not to have children, we are also saying she has the right to determine the future of mankind.

Did we mean to say that?

When men and women were created, they were created as a matched set. Like a nut and bolt, together they served a purpose. The purpose - the only purpose -

was the propagation of the species. Were it not for that, one gender would have been sufficient.


“Never before in history has such a progressive, accomplished race as the Caucasians, been so willing to destroy itself.”

I am aware that many women today object to the thought that there is a greater power than themselves so let me take a moment to put this on a personal level.

If you are a family man or woman, and you do have children, are there not rules of behavior for your family? Can your 14 year old stay out til 4:00 AM solely

because he or she wants to? No? Why not?

The answer is obvious. Your family like any group has rules; it has responsibilities and obligations to go along with benefits. That’s necessary both for

prosperity and for survival. In that regard, your family is a microcosm of society.

So what if your 19 year-old son refused to do the one thing that he had to do for the family’s survival? Whatever that might be. And what if there was no one

else who could do it but him? Would you just shrug it off and let him stay in your home, under your protection,  even as he threatened your family’s

survival? What if he said maybe the kid next door will come over and fulfill this vital function instead of him? Would you accept that?

My guess is you wouldn’t. If your son placed you and your family’s survival in jeopardy, and he wouldn’t change his conduct, eventually you would have to ask

him to leave. There would be little choice.

In tribal days long gone, any member of a tribe who didn’t perform services for the good of that tribe, was evicted.  Existence as part of a group has to be

a quid pro quo arrangement.

There are essential responsibilities and obligations that must be fulfilled by a group’s members if the group – in this case society – is to survive. Having

the requisite number of babies is one of those essential responsibilities and obligations. It is essential, not voluntary. There is simply no substitute for

babies. We need 2.1 babies per women or we perish and it’s just that simple.

Women today have been taught that abortion is an inalienable ‘right’. To that, I would say: nonsense. Abortions affect the ability of a society to survive so

abortion is everybody’s business.

In this coutry, abortions have only been legal since 1973 - a period of about 35 years. It was illegal, and not a ‘right’ at all, for the first 200 years of

our country’s existence. So if it’s a ‘right’ today, it was a ‘wrong’ yesterday. My point here is that ‘rights’ come and go according to society’s needs.

They are not assigned by some higher power.

In this country, like all others, there are a hundred thousand laws that in some way restrict or even deny us certain of what we might think of as our

‘rights’. That all part of being in a society. Rights are defined for the good of that society and must be observed by every member thereof.  But as the

needs of the society change, so do “rights’. Therefore, when you speak of the ‘right to choose’, keep in mind that “right” is nothing more than what the

current law says it is. And that can change for the good of the society.

Today, many women have adopted a “let the women who want kids, have them” philosophy Of course they, much like your son, do want to continue to live at home

(in our society) availing themselves of the family’s (society’s) goods and services and protection but they just don’t want to meet their own obligation, to

wit: having the children we need to survive.

Well, it doesn’t work that way. This is a totally egocentric position and it completely ignores the absolute needs of society and if they don’t care, they

cannot be allowed to continue within the society they are destroying. That would be societal suicide. .

Does this sound like your son?

In November of 2007, an adult European female took it upon herself to proclaim to the world that she had undergone sterilization to fight overpopulation.

“Having children,” she declared with grave pomposity, “is selfish”.

The woman, if she is a Caucasian which I suspect she is, couldn’t be more wrong.

In that part of the world where overpopulation is indeed a problem, they won’t pay the slightest attention to her. In that part of the world that will pay

attention,. the problem isn’t too many babies, it’s too few.

If this woman is Caucasian, rather than sterilization, she would have been better served by getting pregnant.

Today’s birth rate for Caucasian woman in most of the Western world is way below the sustaining rate of 2.1 per healthy adult woman. Therefore, they are

effectively terminating their entire race. After 5,000 years women like this one, will have destroyed it.

While this is true of Caucasian women, it is not so true of other women. For example, the birth rate in Muslim countries is way over 3.0 per woman; hence,

Muslim populations are expanding and will not disappear. It’s the same with African and South American Hispanics (mix of White, Black and Indian), these

population groups also have sustainable birth rates and therefore are not in danger of imminent extinction. Today, only Caucasians are in danger of

extinction, with one major exception: Japan: Japan too is dying. Its birth rate is so low; they no longer have the children they need to care for their

elderly so they are actually turning to robots to take care of the aged. How sad is that? Because of what this woman, and others like her, has done, Muslims

are moving into formerly Caucasian countries all over Western Europe. They are exercising more and more power and growing stronger even as the indigenous

white populations are slowly aging and becoming weaker. It’s just a matter of time until the Caucasians are replaced as the power in Western Europe and I

don’t imagine it will be a peaceful transition.

The fact is this may eventually become a living hell for those who are giving up power. Islam is an intolerant religion when it comes to Infidels and all

those white people who are left will be seen as Christian Infidels.

There will come a time when they will curse the women who so proudly carried those “CHOICE” banners.

So, I guess the only question now is, will the world be better or worse off for this woman’s decision to end the Caucasian race - a race that has contributed

so much to the development of civilization and human rights?

Well, that depends on your point of view. (And maybe on your color.)

Looking around, it seems clear to me that most of the non-Caucasian world has less of the things that we Caucasians cherish: less personal prosperity, less

personal freedom, less of the good things in life. Some may not like hearing that but look around and see where you want to go if you leave your homeland in

America or in Western Europe or Australia or Canada. Where do you want to go to live? In truth, you won’t find many places like our homeland.

But it doesn’t matter any more. The fat is in the fire and western civilization is on the way out thanks to the women who have simply been too busy doing

important things to have babies.

It is too late to turn the demographic clock back now. We might be able to slow it up a little but we can no longer reverse it.

We have reached the point of no-return.

Caucasian women with their ‘right to choose’ will have ‘chosen’ to converted those 43 formerly Western European Caucasian nations (birthplace to so many of

our ancestors) to Muslim nations perhaps to the horror of the few remaining Christians. This upcoming population change has been confirmed by the UN Center

on Population Control and by the US Census Bureau and is well underway already.

Sadly, our Caucasian women have made one too many bad choices. They came to believe that what they were doing out in the world was more important than having

babies when in truth, nothing else a woman - any healthy woman - does, is one tenth as important as having babies. We can exist without her production in the

workforce, we cannot exist without her babies in life.

Now some of you undoubtedly don’t like hearing this but unfortunately it’s still true. And because it’s true, it has to be said. The decision not to have

babies has condemned some of our people to a very sad ending to their life. The pity is that it won’t happen to those who caused it. It will happen to their

children and grandchildren. They will be ones that have to pay the price for “a woman’s right to choose”.  .

This is not a political blog. It is not a religious blog. It is not a sexist blog. And it is NOT a racist blog.

This is a demographic blog - a blog about worldwide population statistics as complied by the UN and the US Census Bureau. The unhappy truth is, there are

consequences to behavior and this blog is about those consequences.

How important these consequences may be, is up to you to decide. If you don’t think it matters, then fine, it doesn’t matter. But how you feel about it won’t

really matter anyway because what is going to be, is going to be - with your permission or without it.

Caucasian women worldwide now have a birth rate ranging from a catastrophic 1.1 (Spain, Germany and Italy) to a self-destructive 1.5 (America) with a

worldwide average of 1.5, numbers which guarantee the end of their race. These women have chosen extinction for the rest of us. They are altering the very

world we live in. Here are some examples from around the world:

EUROPE: The populations of Canada and Western Europe – largely Caucasian - are in serious decline. So bad is it that, according to the reports of the US

Census Bureau and of Johns Hopkins University, they have already passed the point of no return.

Each of these countries must now find new populations to replace the current Caucasian populations that are disappearing because of a lack of sufficient

replacement babies. In Europe, the answer is now clear: Muslims.

Muslim populations in Western Europe are mushrooming and in 20-30 years, Caucasian will be aminority there just as they are in the United States.

CANADA: Canada’s problem is not as dangerous as Europe’s (Muslim extremism) but much worse than the problem in the United States. Unlike the United States

where the dwindling white race is being quietly replaced by Mexican Christians, Canada has no such available asset. The races and cultures in the world that

are producing excess populations are far removed from Canada’s borders both in miles and ideologies. There is also the matter of climate to consider. Canada

is cold while the Middle East and Africa with burgeoning populations, are both warm. Local populations there might not find the colder climate of Canada

appealing. So where can Canada look to find its new Canadians before their Caucasian population dies out? It’s a good question and I wish I had a good

answer. But I don’t.

Canada’s future - or lack thereof - is sealed. It is destined to return to its former state, that of a pristine wilderness.

UNITED STATES; In the United States things are not as bad. Despite the fact that that the birth rate of Caucasian woman has fallen to 1.5 births per adult

female (25% short of a sustaining rate), as I have pointed out the influx of  Mexican women with a much higher birth rate is making up for the shortfall.

Averaging the lower birthrate of Caucasians with the higher birth rate of these immigrants gives America an overall birth rate of 2.0 which is sufficient to

sustain the population level about where it is. The caveat is that the racial mix of America is undergoing radical change and in the near future, the dying

Caucasian race will be replaced by Mexican Spanish (Whites) and South American Hispanics (mixed Indian, Spanish, and Black).

Following is an official list of European countries that have surprisingly announced improved birth rates in 2007.  Wait until you see who is kidding whom:

1) France 2) Netherlands 3) Belgium 4) Switzerland 5) Austria 6) Germany 7) Italy and 8) Spain

That was a surprise until we checked into the European countries that have the highest proportion of Muslims in their populations. They are:

1) France 2) Netherlands 3) Belgium 4) Switzerland 5) Austria 6) Germany 7) Italy and 8) Spain

Notice anything? Of course you do.

The two lists are identical.

The increase in population they are so proud of all came from the Muslims that have moved into their countries; their indigenous Caucasian populations are

still dying out.

Has anyone noticed the riots around London and Paris and in The Netherlands recently? Who was rioting? It was reported that “youths” were rioting in France.

Youths? No, it wasn’t “youths”, it was Muslims. How is that possible when in France, only 10% of the population are reported to be Muslim? Easy. The riots

took place around urban areas like Paris and that’s where the Muslims live. In those areas, the Muslims are 30% of the people and they are young and male

compared to the local populations which are much older and have more females. It’s not even close to a fair fight.

The future for France (like much of Europe) is sadly clear: Too few babies = too few adults /=/ takeover. Spain, Germany and Italy and maybe even England

aren’t far behind France. In 2006, they all reported very low Caucasian birth rates averaging around 1.25 per woman. England slightly higher, but others

slightly lower.

November, 2006 New York Times:

“Unlike (other) dips in population growth throughout history, this slide, which began in the ‘60s, was not caused by a natural or economic disaster or war or

a plague. There’s no Black Death to blame, no World War I, no Great Depression. This decline is widespread; it is steady, and the current decline shows no

signs of reversing as earlier ones have.”  End Excerpt.

The United Nations Population Division’s Biannual Compendium on World Population Prospects:

“In an underdeveloped country, the average woman must have 2.2 babies in her lifetime in order to maintain a stable population. In a developed nation it is


July 16, 2006 - Tokyo, Japan

TOKYO — Japan has embarked on a path no developed nation has ever followed — of sustained and inexorable population decline.

SPAIN: Spain faces massive decline in population

RUSSIA: Russia is facing a demographic crisis so dire that its population could shrink by half within 40 years.

MEXICO: Surprisingly, even Mexico’s population is beginning to decline. Bad habits catch on quickly


Okay, so what do we do to save ourselves from extinction - because that is exactly what we are talking about – extinction brought about by women who think

working in an office or a store or whatever is more important than having the babies upon which our future depends. Well, I don’t think anything will reverse

today’s reality, but here are some ideas being talked about:

(1) Restore motherhood to the place it once held. Elevate motherhood and pay women for raising children just as we pay for any other service.

(2) Encourage women to have babies in those places where babies are in short supply.

(3) Reward families (financially) that have the babies that society needs to survive. Either that or encourage - and finance - mass migration from countries

with too many babies to countries with too few babies. That would work but it would also change forever the demographics of the host nations from the old

Caucasian base to the new Muslim/African base. The time of this transition might also be the time of huge pain and suffering for those being dispossessed.

Those are some of the ideas being discussed but sadly, there is no one solution to all the problems since one half the world has too many and the other has

too few babies.

Finally, I have heard women argue that this type change is normal. That if the white Caucasians disappear, there will be others to replace them so why would

it matter? It’s just a change and if it happens, so be it.

Well, to some extent, that may be true. But the white Caucasian race has been on this planet for over 5,000 years and it has been responsible for many of the

best things that have happened to humanity. I wouldn’t refer to its demise as just a “change”. Not at all. In some places it’s going to be catastrophic. This

kind of change always is.

I pity the children who must grow up to face this daunting challenge.

Yet, there is nothing to be done about it now. I therefore write this only to inform those who were so sure they were right that they were devastatingly

wrong. Many continue to be, to this day.

We have wasted our heritage through our selfishness and stupidity. And now, we have to deal with it.

I leave you with this thought:

There are none as blind as those that will not see.

Have a nice day.


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