Relief From Pregnancy Hot Flashes

Hot flashes don't just affect women at the menopausal stage. If you are pregnant, you can also experience what are known as pregnancy hot flashes.

A hot flash is normally manifested by flushed sensations and sudden intense heat through the chest, neck, and face. This symptom may also be accompanied by perspiration, vertigo, heart palpitations, dizziness, nausea, anxiety, headaches, night sweats, and weakness. A hot flash can last up to four minutes. However in some extreme cases, it can last from twenty minutes to one hour.

There are two major reasons for pregnancy hot flashes:

1.Hormonal Changes.The major hormones affected by pregnancy are progesterone and estrogen. A pregnant woman produces more estrogen compared to non-pregnant women. Likewise, her levels of progesterone are extremely high. The progesterone changes cause the loosening of joints and ligaments in the whole body. Moreover, internal structures increase in size, including the ureters that connect the maternal bladder with the kidney.

Progesterone is also important in the transformation of the size of the uterus from the non-pregnant state to the state where it can accommodate a baby at its full stage. You have to realize that progesterone and estrogen are critical for achieving successful pregnancies. Hormonal changes are responsible for mood swings during pregnancy as well as pregnancy hot flashes. This condition is very common in pregnant women.

Exercising may become more difficult, so pregnant women are at higher risk of acquiring strains and sprains. The body posture of pregnant women also changes. The breasts become larger and the abdomen changes to convex from once being concave or flat. This increase the curvature on the back. Since gravity is now concentrated on the front of the body, this can sometimes lead to an unbalanced state that can cause injuries.

Body weight also increases. This extra gravity and weight slows down blood circulation and body fluids to the lower limbs. These fluids are retained and causes swelling of the hands, legs, and face. Water weight is another hindrance for exercising. Since exercise is one way to decrease the symptoms of hormonal changes, you may experience more pregnancy hot flashes.

2.Changes in Body Temperature.Heat stress is developed for two reasons: hyperthermia and dehydration. The core temperature of pregnant women increases (hyperthermia). Whether pregnant women are exercising or not, their core temperature and metabolic base rate continuously increase. However, they can regulate core temperatures very efficiently through the skin's blood flow increase and skin surface expansion, which releases excessive body heat. Pregnant women are advised to wear breathable clothing, avoid exercising during humid or hot weather conditions, use fans when doing activity indoors, or use swimming as their major exercise. These simple changes can help relieve pregnancy hot flashes.

Pregnant women are prone to dehydration after exercising for 20-30 minutes, especially in humid or hot weather because of excessive sweating. Body fluids are lost from perspiration, decreasing blood flow to the uterus, muscles, and other organs.

Bodily changes in pregnant women may lead to stress. This stress reaction causes the release of norepinephrine and epinephrine in their blood stream. Blood flow increases which also increases heat. Then pregnancy hot flashes occur to remove the heat. During sleep, night sweats may be triggered if the body becomes too warm due to thermal blankets.

A recent survey reveals that pregnancy hot flashes quite commonly interfere with getting a good nights sleep, and almost eighty percent of pregnant women are affected. Some simple ways to find relief are to wear cotton sleep gowns or pajamas, sleep in a cool room, do early afternoon exercises, nap during the day only when exhausted, and practice deep breating. Always keep in mind that pregnancy hot flashes are a normal part of pregnancy. Like pregnancy itself, they won't last forever.