The Brazilian Keratin Treatment - For People Who Want Perfectly Straight Hair

Are you one of the many unfortunate people who suffer from unruly curls? Does it feel like frizz is slowly overtaking your life? If so you are not alone, you are one of the many people who struggle daily to get straight and smooth hair but in most cases this often becomes an impossible task; well not anymore!

Thanks to the latest straightening system you too can have beautiful, straight and frizz free locks with the help of the Brazilian Keratin Treatment. This treatment is unlike any other straightening system, one of the reasons for this is the fact that this system doesn't use any harsh chemicals on your hair; instead it uses keratin, which is a type of protein high in sulphur and the amino acid cystine, making it tough, elastic and insoluble. This keratin is so effective when it comes to straightening your hair due to the fact that your hair is made up of 88% keratin. So how does the Brazilian Keratin Treatment work?

We already know one thing, which is that Keratin is tough. The strong qualities found within it help to improve the hair both inside and out. The keratin gently blends with the hair on your head. It brings to hair what it was lacking to begin with and what it has lost over the years. So whether your hair is dull, dry or damaged as well as being frizzy or curly you can help to tame it with the Brazilian Keratin Treatment. The smaller keratin molecules penetrate the hair cortex improving and repairing the quality of the hair from the inside. The added strength, elasticity and moisture result in the smooth, soft, shiny and straightened effect. The larger molecules coat the hair cuticle and take the damage such as UV rays and smoke from your hair on the outside, while further damage to the hair shaft is prevented.

There are so many benefits to having the Brazilian Keratin Treatment done on your hair; you really are doing your hair a favour and the more times you have the Brazilian Keratin Treatment performed on your hair, the better the condition of your hair will be. There are however certain things that you can and can't do for the first four days after having the Brazilian Keratin Treatment done. The aspects that you can't do are as follows:

• Do not wash your hair.
• Do not tie your hair into a ponytail.
• Don't use hair clips.
• Don't pull your hair behind your ears.
• Do not exercise or causing sweating
• Don't use hair bands.
• Do not use your glasses to hold your hair back

Aspects that you SHOULD do for the first four days after having the Brazilian Keratin Treatment performed is as follows:

• Use a shampoo without Sodium-Chloride (Sulfate-Free) on your hair at all times
• Do wear a silk scarf to pull your hair away from your face
• Do use hair dryer or flat iron (in case hair gets wet during the first four days)

After these four days are over you will be free to do what you want with your hair but it is highly important that you do follow these basic rules during these crucial first few days.