Frugal Baby Tips - Diapering

Diapering: Newborn Cloth Diapers -Here's a great suggestion to fit your newborn, or skinny baby! Consider getting smaller wraps, and using night liners(or diaper doublers)inside to ensure a good fit around your baby's legs to prevent leakage.

Then you can buy larger diapers that will give your baby longer wear, skipping the size small and use the night liners again to double diaper when your baby wettings get heavier!


Diapering: Free Diapers -Too many receiving blankets? Make a couple dozen of them into great prefold diapers. Even with a high-needs baby, I was able to make at least one of these diapers per day.

Here's how:Cut one receiving blanket down to about 20" x 36" to 40". This should give you a second strip about 7"-10" wide. Fold this narrow strip in half or thirds to about 20" long. Place this down the centre of the large piece, as shown: [ [] ] Fold in the sides of the larger piece about 2/3 of the way across. Overlap them on top of the folded strip down the centre, leaving the diaper about 15" across: [] = [[]]

Sewing:Zigzag stitch across the top and bottom raw edges of the folded diaper, making sure to catch in all layers. Stitch down the centre pad about 1/2" in from the edge of the centre pad.

(All measurements depend on original size of the blanket. Don't be afraid to experiment!)


Diapering_: Free Diaper Covers -
Do you have any old, shrunk and matted wool sweaters?

Then you can make two excellent diaper covers per sweater. The more matted the sweater - the more waterproof the covers!

To Make:Cut an equal-sized triangle out of the sweater, using the sweater waist-band as your diaper cover's waist band. Zigzag stitch along raw edges to prevent unravelling. Fold the points in to meet in the centre(diaper-style)and stitch half-way down sides, to form leg holes. Crochet a woollen chain out of some of the remaining wool, about double the width of the waist-band, and thread this through the waist-band.

To use:Multi-layered or double diapers work best with these covers. Pull-on over diaper and tie in front.