About Progesterone Cream-Everything You Ever Wanted to Know!

Are you finally tired of feeling menopause and PMS symptoms? I am sure you are waking up everyday and feeling the following:

· Painful cramps
· Hot flushes
· Achy and sore breasts
· Lower back and abdomen pain
· An extremely short fuse that causes you snap at anything that breathes

This is part of life, but unfortunately some women are hit harder with menopause side effects and PMS symptoms than other women. During this rough time in a women's life, their hormones are all out of whack. Not only do women experience the side effects discussed earlier in this article, many women face loss of bone mass at an alarming rate. After menopause, aka post menopause, women lose over 25% of their bone mass in the first 15-20 years. That is a staggering and alarming rate of bone mass loss. The best thing you could ever do for yourself is invest in progesterone cream. I will share with you anything and everything you need to know about progesterone cream. Progesterone cream supplies artificially synthesized progesterone to the body. It is required because the level of progesterone in the body severely decreases once the menstrual cycle comes to a halt. The creation of estrogen also goes down, but not as much as the progesterone level. This is where progesterone cream comes into the picture.

Where should you apply progesterone cream?

It should be applied on those areas of the body which are red such as your neck, cheeks, breast, and butt. Natural progesterone cream absorbs through fat cells right into your blood stream. Right when you apply the cream, you should feel the soothing affects nearly immediately.

Can you overdose on natural progesterone cream?

The answer to this question is no. You should definitely not overuse it but if you take too much the only side effect is doziness. Since this cream is derived from plants, it is 100% natural with no harmful artificial chemicals. I have been using progesterone cream for over 20 years and I have had no side effects. Using a progesterone supplement is one of the best investments you could ever make. Without using this supplement I would have had the worst PMS symptoms and menopause complications any women could have. It runs completely in my family and all my relatives have severely suffered from menopause. On average women lose 20% of their bone mass after menopause. My family was losing on average 25-30% of their bone mass with severe complications. Menstrual cramps have gotten so bad that I ended up in the hospital quite a few times. Using natural progesterone cream I have completely alleviated all pain. This cream is so easy to apply and the benefits are seen right away as it goes right into your blood stream through fat deposits. I strongly suggest using progesterone cream to treat your symptoms of PMS and Menopause. This is the best thing you could ever do for yourself! I wish you the best of luck during your hard time of suffering.