Why You Should Consider a Tummy Tuck!

Since loosing weight, since having babies, since getting older, your tummy just does not look the way you wish it would. You have heard about cosmetic surgeries, but never thought you could afford such a procedure. Continue reading this article, you may find a surprising ending.

Why does your tummy sag? In the case of pregnancy, the muscles of the abdominal wall separate and then stretch considerably as the child grows inside the womb, and of course, the skin stretches as well. After the birth of the baby, this tissue retracts but does not return to its original tautness. The muscles of the abdominal wall, are actually stretched and separated. Even with exercise, the stomach will not return to it's original flatness.

When a great deal of weight loss occurs, the effects of the abdominal muscles and skin react in the same way as in pregnancy. The stretched muscles and skin retract, but damage to the skin and muscles prevent them from returning to their original elasticity and firmness.

In the case of age related abdominal pouches, the abdominal muscles relax and the skin loses elasticity. Although exercise and diet can somewhat improve the condition of the muscles, only a tummy tuck can fully repair the muscles to be taunt and smooth out the excess skin.

A tummy tuck, known in the medical field as an abdominoplasty, is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and fat from the abdomen and to tighten the muscles of the abdominal wall. The results are phenomenal and permanent. Once protruding tummies are now smooth and taunt.

The procedure does leave a permanent scar in the abdominal region; however, it is somewhat hidden in the natural creases of the pubic hairline.

If you are planning on losing a great deal of weight or becoming pregnant, discuss this with the surgeon, as you may be advised to wait until a later date to have your tummy tuck.

Previously, a tummy tuck was thought to be a procedure that was only for the rich and famous, but in the present times with the focus on youth, beauty, and spa treatments, cosmetic surgeries have become more affordable and common to the average consumer.

A new and upcoming trend is to seek plastic surgeons in foreign countries to perform treatments such as tummy tucks. These surgeons are highly qualified and have been actively performing these surgeries for many years. They are board certified and many were educated in the U.S. You can review their credentials and research their background prior to making an appointment.

One such hospital is a surgical center in the Dominican Republic called Global Surgery Center has a team of highly qualified surgeons performing cosmetic procedures in a resort type atmosphere. They make it clear that this is not a clinic atmosphere, but it is actually a hospital. Patients have their scheduled procedure and recover while on vacation at this exotic resort. An all-inclusive package at affordable rates makes this a sweet deal. You return home not only relaxed and tan, but with an astonishing new tummy!