Treating Yourself Well While You're Pregnant

Being pregnant is a uniquely rewarding experience you'll remember for the rest of your life. Your body will slowly expand as your unborn baby grows inside you. You'll find yourself reminiscing about your life prior to getting pregnant while wondering what your life will be like after your newborn arrives. This is the time during which you call your girlfriends and family to connect and enjoy their company. You'll spend time shopping for baby clothes, preparing the nursery, and planning for your little one's arrival.

Below, we'll offer a few tips for making the most of your pregnancy. The following ideas will ensure that you look back on this time with a fond smile and a hint of nostalgia.

Soak Up The Attention

People enjoy being near pregnant women. As you enter your third trimester and your growing stomach takes on the unmistakable air of a mom-to-be, you'll find yourself the center of attention. Some people will ask when you're due. Others will inquire about your baby's gender. Still others will share their own pregnancy memories. And of course, a few will reach out to touch your tummy.

If you're unaccustomed to receiving this level of attention, the experience may seem startling at first. Enjoy it while it lasts. Not only does each person mean well, but once your baby arrives, she'll steal the spotlight.

Get Some Sleep

After childbirth, you'll have scant opportunities to sleep restfully. Midnight feedings, sporadic crying, and myriad other things will prevent your mind and body from getting the rest you crave. Stock up now. Make a point of setting aside your "to do" lists and taking naps throughout the day. You'll feel energized and rested, which is important while you're carrying your little one.

If possible, take naps at the same time each day to train your mind and body to expect them. Take one before lunch and one in the afternoon. A half hour is ideal because it will invigorate you without taking too much time during the day. Plus, any longer than a half hour might make you feel woozy.

Build Your Baby's Nursery

There is no better time for planning and building your baby's nursery (you'll definitely lack the time when she arrives). Plan the color scheme. Make a list of the furniture and other items you'll need to buy. Start doing research online regarding some of the bigger items, such as cribs, changing tables, and baby swings. Purchase as much as you can in advance to save yourself time once your little one is born.

Veer Off Your Diet (A Little)

Proper nutrition during your pregnancy is critical. The right blend of vitamins, nutrients, proteins, fats, and carbohydrates are important for your health and the health of your baby. But indulging yourself once in awhile is valuable. Taking a welcome break from a strict diet is a rare treat that will lift your mood and stimulate your taste buds. As long as you're providing your body with a proper mix of good foods, treating yourself to an occasional culinary delight is fine. It's recommended, even.

It's the little things that matter most while you're pregnant that can make the experience unforgettable. By itself, a daily nap may seem insignificant. But the energy and mood lift it provides can be irreplaceable. Likewise, enjoying your time in the spotlight may feel uncomfortable at first, but you'll quickly look forward to receiving the well-meaning attention of strangers.

Enjoy this extraordinary nine-month journey toward childbirth. Pamper yourself. Indulge yourself. Treat your body and mind well during your pregnancy. Years down the road, you'll look back on this time with affectionate memories. These memories will remain with you for the rest of your life.