Anti-Aging Blockbuster Book by Art Linkletter and Mark Victor Hansen

Many "youngsters" not yet age 65 -- doctors, researchers, educators and experts -- write anti-aging books. Because they lack first hand "old age" experience, they present their own research and opinions, and regurgitate research and opinions of others.

When writing an anti-aging book designed to help avoid pitfalls of the aging process, experience reigns supreme. The person who reaches 65 and beyond knows what it takes to outsmart father time. You cannot argue with wisdom that comes with "been there and done that."

And that's what makes "How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of your Life" by Art Linkletter and Mark Victor Hansen the absolute best tool to help you achieve victory over the aging process. You may not know that Art Linkletter is ninety-four. Retirement claims no place in his busy life, nor will it ever. When he tells what you need to do to stay ageless and productive, you hear the voice of experience and you "listen up."

"How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life" gives more than you can possibly imagine. In addition to Art and Mark's own experience and expertise, the pair called upon other "ageless wonders" to add to the most valuable accumulation of knowledge and experience you will find anywhere. I am proud that Art and Mark invited me to contribute some of my expertise and wisdom to help boomers and those younger reach my incredibly "ageless" age, now seventy-seven.

Want to know what truly dynamic ageless people know and do? Want to know what vibrantly ageless people know about dietary supplements, and which supplements keep them young and healthy? Want to know what kind of mental attitude works best to manage the aging process? Want to know why most successful older people don't retire, and what they do instead?

Want to know how to set up a secure financial future? Want to know how to increase your income even though retired? Want proof that diet and exercise play a key role in staying ageless, mentally and physically? And would you like this information (and so much more) served up with lots of really funny stories you will share with friends?

"How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life ranks as the Cadillac of anti-aging books. You absolutely will not find a more complete, thoroughly helpful treasure trove of "must have" anti-aging help.

Advice: Regardless of your age, put "How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of Your Life" on your "must read" list. You can attain vibrant, healthy agelessness as long as life lasts. You just need the right information and the right mentors to guide you. You will find it all in "How to Make the Rest of Your Life the Best of your Life".