Facial Rejuvenation with Cosmetic Acupuncture - Naturopathic Beauty

Cosmetic Acupuncture is a non-surgical method of reducing the signs of aging. In ancient China, dating back to the Sung Dynasty (960 AD- 1270 AD), cosmetic acupuncture was employed by the Imperial family to maintain an ageless youthful appearance. The saying "Beauty is skin deep" has never been more true when it comes to using acupuncture to rejuvenate our faces. Thin sterilized needles are inserted into the face and on the body to help balance and regulate the body's energy or Qi ( pronounced ~ "chee"). Physiologically, the needles help to stimilate the production of collagen by fibroblast cells.

The effects of the cosmetic acupuncture treatments help to reduce or eliminate fine lines, deeper wrinkles appear less intense, improvement of facial tone and colour, and reduce sagging and puffiness. Although, not a replacement for surgical face lifts or botox, it is a good alternative that will help erase 5-15 years from your face. You will also have additional benefits that surgery and botox cannot give. These include, improved circulation, energy, sleep, digestion, and many other health benefits when the body is balanced.

The treatments last between 1 hour to 1½ hours and generally requires about 10 sessions to be able to see results. Maintainance is recommended either once per month to every 3 months depending on your specific situation. At times, herbal medicines may be recommended to improve the treatment outcome. Cosmetic acupuncture should be done early in our lives as it works best as a preventative therapy. By the time we reach 25, our bodies are starting to show the signs of aging, especially if we live unhealthy lifestyles ( smoking, drinking, not getting enough sleep etc.). A good time to begin these treatments is when we are in our 30's.

Below are some of Journey to Cure Toronto Naturopathic Clinic 's staying young recommendations:

  • 1) Get plenty of sleep
  • 2) Drink enough water to stay hydrated
  • 3) Use a UV block/anti-oxidant cream (even on cloudy days)
  • 4) Quit smoking
  • 5) Exercise on a regular basis
  • 6) Eat fresh fruits and vegetables
  • 7) Balance the body's energy ( yoga, meditation, acupuncture, qi gong etc.)

Free 15 minute Consultations available to see if you are a good candidate for cosmetic acupuncture.

There is also a free facial massage with every cosmetic acupuncture session. The facial massage helps to move and drain toxins from the face and to improve circulation.

Contact us today for further consultantion.